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Autodesk maya 2018 guide pdf free download

Read Autodesk Maya A Comprehensive Guide, 10th Edition by Prof Sham Tickoo with a free trial. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad. This integrated node based 3D software finds its application in the development of films, games, and design projects. A wide range of 3D visual effects. A rapid development of tools and enhanced features for character creation—along with a more artist-friendly UI and workflow—have further established Maya as a.
[Autodesk maya 2018 guide pdf free download
Chapter 6: Shading and Texturing. Chapter 7: Lighting. Chapter 8: Animation. Chapter 9: Rigging, Constraints, and Deformers. Chapter Paint Effects. Chapter Rendering. Chapter Particle System. Chapter Introduction to nParticles. Chapter Fluids. Chapter nHair. Chapter Maya Fur. Chapter Bullet Physics. Evaluation Chapters.
Part Files. Tutorial Files. Chapters for Free Download. Similar Books. Customer Reviews. We use this book for our textbook and find it to be the best in explaining specific steps within Maya. Chapter Particle System. Chapter Introduction to nParticles.
Chapter Fluids. Chapter nHair. Chapter Maya Fur. Chapter Bullet Physics. Tutorial files zipped PDF file. Free Technical Support For free technical support, please email to.
Rendered Images. Click here to order. If you find any problems in downloading the files or the contents, please contact us at techsupport cadcim. Thank you. Following are the additional features of this book : Consists of 17 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence covering a wide range of topics such as Maya interface, Polygon modeling, NURBS modeling, texturing, lighting, cameras, animation, Paint Effects, Rendering, nHair, Fur, Fluids, Particles, nParticles and Bullet Physics in Autodesk Maya The first page of every chapter summarizes the topics that are covered in it.
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Autodesk Maya A Comprehensive Guide Book By Prof. Sham Tickoo and CADCIM Technologies.Download & Install Maya Product Help | Maya | Autodesk Knowledge Network
eBook – PDF ; About This Book. Welcome to the world of Autodesk Maya Autodesk Maya is a powerful, integrated 3D modeling, animation, visual effects. Download & Install Maya Product Help. Products and versions covered.
Autodesk maya 2018 guide pdf free download
Chapter 9: Rigging, Constraints, and Deformers. Chapter Paint Effects. Chapter Rendering. Chapter Particle System. Chapter Introduction to nParticles. Chapter Fluids. Chapter nHair. Chapter Maya Fur. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Verified Purchase. The information was good but the interior was all done cheaply in black and white. Maya is a very visual program and the book should reflect the program.
At least that’s my opinion. This is coming in most helpful. Pictures all in poor quality black and white. Also poor quality printing of the text. Better to spend your money elsewhere! See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. Really hope someone reads this and re-uploads a The ONLY problem with this book is the images sizes which are important when following along with the book.
When downloading the kindle version the included images are so small they are unreadable. Chapter Maya Fur. Chapter Bullet Physics. Tutorial files zipped PDF file. Free Technical Support For free technical support, please email to. Rendered Images. Click here to order. If you find any problems in downloading the files or the contents, please contact us at techsupport cadcim.
Thank you. The Shelf Tabs option is used to toggle the visibility of the Shelf tabs. On choosing this option, the Shelfs tabs will disappear, and only the tool icons corresponding to the selected tab will be visible. The Shelf Editor option is used to create a Shelf and edit the properties of an existing Shelf. When this option is chosen, the Shelf Editor will be displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure In the Shelf Editor , you can change the name and position of shelves and their contents.
You can also create a new shelf and its contents using the Shelf Editor. The Navigate Shelves option is used to choosethe previous or next Shelf of the currently chosen Shelf. On choosing this option, a cascading menu will be displayed, as shown in Figure The options in the cascading menu are discussed next. The Previous Shelf option is used to choose the Shelf that comes before the currently chosen Shelf.
For example, choose the Rendering tab; the rendering specific icons will be displayed. Next, press and hold the left mouse button over the Menu of items to modify the shelf option; a flyout will be displayed. Choose Navigate Shelves from the flyout; a cascading menu is displayed. From the cascading menu, choose Previous Shelf ; the Animation tab is chosen displaying the dynamic specific icons. The Next Shelf option is used to choose the shelf that comes after the currently chosen Shelf.
The Jump to Shelf option is used to choose the specific Shelf by entering its name. On choosing this option, the Jump to Shelf window will be displayed, as shown in Figure Enter the name of the shelf in the Shelf Name text box and choose the OK button; the Shelf tab with icons specific to the corresponding shelf are displayed.
The New Shelf option is used to add a new Shelf tab to the existing Shelf. On choosing this option, the Create New Shelf window will be displayed, as shown in Figure Enter a name for the new Shelf and choose the OK button; a new Shelf will be created, as shown in Figure The Delete Shelf option is used to delete a shelf. On choosing this option, the Confirm message box will be displayed, as shown in Figure Choose the OK button to delete the selected Shelf. The Load Shelf option is used to load the shelf that was saved previously.
When this option is chosen, the Load Shelf window will be displayed. You can choose the previously saved shelf from this window; the desired Shelf tab will be displayed in the shelf. The Save all Shelves option is used to save the shelves, so that you can use them later while working in Maya.
The Tool Box is located on the left side of the workspace. It comprises of the most commonly used tools in Maya. In addition to the commonly used tools, the Tool Box has several other options or commands that help you change the layout of the interface.
Various tools in the Tool Box are discussed next. The Select Tool is used to select the objects created in the viewport. To select an object, invoke the Select Tool from the Tool Box and click on an object in the viewport; the object will be selected.
On invoking this tool, the manipulators will not be activated. The Lasso Tool is used to select an object by using a free hand marquee selection. This tool is very much similar to the Select Tool.
To select an object, invoke the Lasso Tool ; the cursor will change to a rope knot. Next, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor in the viewport to create a selection area around the object. Then, release the left mouse button; the object inside the selection area will be selected. The Paint Selection Tool is used to select various components of an object.
To select various components of an object, invoke the Select Tool from the Tool Box and select an object in the viewport. Next, press and hold the right mouse button over the selected object; a marking menu will be displayed. Choose Vertex from the marking menu to make the vertex selection mode active. Next, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the object to select the desired vertices.
To go back to the object mode, invoke the Select Tool and then press and hold the right mouse button; a marking menu will be displayed. Choose Object Mode from the marking menu to make the vertex selection mode inactive. You can also increase the size of the Paint Selection Tool cursor. To do so, press and hold the B key on the keyboard. Next, press and hold the left mouse button in the viewport and drag the cursor to adjust the size of the brush.
The Move Tool is used to move an object from one place to another in the viewport. To do so, invoke Move Tool from the Tool Box; the cursor will change to an arrow with a box at its tip. Select the object in the workspace that you want to move. To use the Move Tool , you need to create an object in the viewport. A sphere will be created. Now, invoke the Move Tool from the Tool Box and select the object created by clicking on it; the Move Tool manipulator will be displayed on the selected object with three color handles, as shown in Figure These three color handles are used to move the object in the X, Y, or Z direction.
The colors of the handles represent three axes; red represents the X-axis, green represents the Y-axis, and blue represents the Z-axis. At the intersection point of these handles, a box will be displayed that can be used to move the object proportionately in all the three directions.
Press and hold the left mouse button over the box and drag the cursor to move the object freely in the viewport. Change the settings as per your requirement in this window.
By default, the pivot point is located at the center of the object. To change the pivot point, make sure that the Move Tool is invoked and then press the INSERT key; the pivot point will be displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure Move the pivot point to adjust its position. You can also put the pivot at the center of the object. You can also adjust the pivot point by pressing and holding the D key and moving the manipulator. A pivot is a point in 3D space that is used as a reference point for the transformation of objects.
To rotate an object in the viewport, select the object and invoke the Rotate Tool from the Tool Box; the Rotate Tool manipulator will be displayed on the object, as shown in Figure The Rotate Tool manipulator consists of three colored rings.
The red ring represents the X axis, whereas the green and blue rings represent the Y and Z axes, respectively. Moreover, the yellow ring around the selected object helps you rotate the selected object in the view axis. On selecting a particular ring, its color changes to yellow. You can change the default settings of the Rotate Tool by double-clicking on it in the Tool Box.
This window contains various options for rotation. You can change the settings in this window as required. To scale an object in the viewport, select the object and invoke Scale Tool from the Tool Box; Scale Tool manipulator will be displayed on the object, as shown in Figure The Scale Tool manipulator consists of three boxes.
The red box represents the X axis, whereas the green and blue boxes represent the Y and Z axes, respectively. Moreover, the yellow colored box in the center lets you scale the selected object uniformly in all axes.
On selecting any one of these colored scale boxes, the default color of the box changes to yellow. You can also adjust the default settings of Scale Tool by double-clicking on it in the Tool Box.
While rotating, moving, or scaling an object, different colored handles are displayed. These handles indicate different axes.
You can use this color scheme while working with three transform tools as well. The red, green, and blue colors represent the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively. The Last Tool Used tool is used to invoke the last used or the currently selected tool.
This tool displays the icon of the last used tool or currently active tool. Using the buttons in the Quick Layout buttons area, refer to Figure , you can the toggle the display of layouts as required. You can also change the display of layout buttons. To do so, right-click on one of the Quick Layout buttons; a shortcut menu with various layout options will be displayed, as shown in Figure Next, choose any of the layout from the shortcut menu as per your need; the current layout will be replaced by the chosen layout.
Using these buttons, you can also edit the current layout. To do so, right-click on the Quick Layout buttons; a shortcut menu will be displayed. Choose Edit Layouts from the shortcut menu; the Panels window will be displayed, as shown in Figure The Time Slider and the Range Slider, as shown in Figure , are located at the bottom of the viewport. These two sliders are used to control the frames in animation.
The Time Slider comprises of the frames that are used for animation. There is an input box on the Time Slider called Set the current time , which indicates the current frame of animation.
The keys in the Time Slider are displayed as red lines. The Time Slider displays the range of frames available in your animation. In the Time Slider, the grey box, known as scrub bar, is used to move back and forth in the active range of frames available for animation.
The Playback Controls at the extreme right of the current frame help you to play and stop the animation. The Range Slider located below the Time Slider is used to adjust the range of animation playback. The Range Slider shows the start and end time of the active animation.
The edit boxes both on the left and right of the Range Slider direct you to the start and end frames of the selected range. The length of the Range Slider can be altered using these edit boxes. At the right of the Set the end time of the animation input box is the Set the active animation layer button. This feature gives you access to all the options needed to create and manipulate the animation layers.
This option helps you to blend multiple animations in a scene. You can also create a new shelf and its contents using the Shelf Editor. The Navigate Shelves option is used to choosethe previous or next Shelf of the currently chosen Shelf. On choosing this option, a cascading menu will be displayed, as shown in Figure The options in the cascading menu are discussed next.
The Previous Shelf option is used to choose the Shelf that comes before the currently chosen Shelf. For example, choose the Rendering tab; the rendering specific icons will be displayed. Next, press and hold the left mouse button over the Menu of items to modify the shelf option; a flyout will be displayed.
Choose Navigate Shelves from the flyout; a cascading menu is displayed. From the cascading menu, choose Previous Shelf ; the Animation tab is chosen displaying the dynamic specific icons. The Next Shelf option is used to choose the shelf that comes after the currently chosen Shelf.
The Jump to Shelf option is used to choose the specific Shelf by entering its name. On choosing this option, the Jump to Shelf window will be displayed, as shown in Figure Enter the name of the shelf in the Shelf Name text box and choose the OK button; the Shelf tab with icons specific to the corresponding shelf are displayed. The New Shelf option is used to add a new Shelf tab to the existing Shelf.
On choosing this option, the Create New Shelf window will be displayed, as shown in Figure Enter a name for the new Shelf and choose the OK button; a new Shelf will be created, as shown in Figure The Delete Shelf option is used to delete a shelf.
On choosing this option, the Confirm message box will be displayed, as shown in Figure Choose the OK button to delete the selected Shelf. The Load Shelf option is used to load the shelf that was saved previously. When this option is chosen, the Load Shelf window will be displayed. You can choose the previously saved shelf from this window; the desired Shelf tab will be displayed in the shelf. The Save all Shelves option is used to save the shelves, so that you can use them later while working in Maya.
The Tool Box is located on the left side of the workspace. It comprises of the most commonly used tools in Maya. In addition to the commonly used tools, the Tool Box has several other options or commands that help you change the layout of the interface.
Various tools in the Tool Box are discussed next. The Select Tool is used to select the objects created in the viewport. To select an object, invoke the Select Tool from the Tool Box and click on an object in the viewport; the object will be selected. On invoking this tool, the manipulators will not be activated. The Lasso Tool is used to select an object by using a free hand marquee selection. This tool is very much similar to the Select Tool.
To select an object, invoke the Lasso Tool ; the cursor will change to a rope knot. Next, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor in the viewport to create a selection area around the object.
Then, release the left mouse button; the object inside the selection area will be selected. The Paint Selection Tool is used to select various components of an object. To select various components of an object, invoke the Select Tool from the Tool Box and select an object in the viewport. Next, press and hold the right mouse button over the selected object; a marking menu will be displayed.
Choose Vertex from the marking menu to make the vertex selection mode active. Next, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor over the object to select the desired vertices. To go back to the object mode, invoke the Select Tool and then press and hold the right mouse button; a marking menu will be displayed.
Choose Object Mode from the marking menu to make the vertex selection mode inactive. You can also increase the size of the Paint Selection Tool cursor. To do so, press and hold the B key on the keyboard. Next, press and hold the left mouse button in the viewport and drag the cursor to adjust the size of the brush. The Move Tool is used to move an object from one place to another in the viewport. To do so, invoke Move Tool from the Tool Box; the cursor will change to an arrow with a box at its tip.
Select the object in the workspace that you want to move. To use the Move Tool , you need to create an object in the viewport. A sphere will be created. Now, invoke the Move Tool from the Tool Box and select the object created by clicking on it; the Move Tool manipulator will be displayed on the selected object with three color handles, as shown in Figure These three color handles are used to move the object in the X, Y, or Z direction.
The colors of the handles represent three axes; red represents the X-axis, green represents the Y-axis, and blue represents the Z-axis. At the intersection point of these handles, a box will be displayed that can be used to move the object proportionately in all the three directions. Press and hold the left mouse button over the box and drag the cursor to move the object freely in the viewport.
Change the settings as per your requirement in this window. By default, the pivot point is located at the center of the object. To change the pivot point, make sure that the Move Tool is invoked and then press the INSERT key; the pivot point will be displayed in the viewport, as shown in Figure Move the pivot point to adjust its position. You can also put the pivot at the center of the object.
You can also adjust the pivot point by pressing and holding the D key and moving the manipulator. A pivot is a point in 3D space that is used as a reference point for the transformation of objects. To rotate an object in the viewport, select the object and invoke the Rotate Tool from the Tool Box; the Rotate Tool manipulator will be displayed on the object, as shown in Figure The Rotate Tool manipulator consists of three colored rings.
The red ring represents the X axis, whereas the green and blue rings represent the Y and Z axes, respectively. Moreover, the yellow ring around the selected object helps you rotate the selected object in the view axis. On selecting a particular ring, its color changes to yellow. You can change the default settings of the Rotate Tool by double-clicking on it in the Tool Box.
This window contains various options for rotation. You can change the settings in this window as required. To scale an object in the viewport, select the object and invoke Scale Tool from the Tool Box; Scale Tool manipulator will be displayed on the object, as shown in Figure The Scale Tool manipulator consists of three boxes. The red box represents the X axis, whereas the green and blue boxes represent the Y and Z axes, respectively.
Moreover, the yellow colored box in the center lets you scale the selected object uniformly in all axes. On selecting any one of these colored scale boxes, the default color of the box changes to yellow. You can also adjust the default settings of Scale Tool by double-clicking on it in the Tool Box. While rotating, moving, or scaling an object, different colored handles are displayed. These handles indicate different axes. You can use this color scheme while working with three transform tools as well.
The red, green, and blue colors represent the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively. The Last Tool Used tool is used to invoke the last used or the currently selected tool. This tool displays the icon of the last used tool or currently active tool. Using the buttons in the Quick Layout buttons area, refer to Figure , you can the toggle the display of layouts as required. You can also change the display of layout buttons. To do so, right-click on one of the Quick Layout buttons; a shortcut menu with various layout options will be displayed, as shown in Figure Next, choose any of the layout from the shortcut menu as per your need; the current layout will be replaced by the chosen layout.
Using these buttons, you can also edit the current layout. To do so, right-click on the Quick Layout buttons; a shortcut menu will be displayed. Choose Edit Layouts from the shortcut menu; the Panels window will be displayed, as shown in Figure The Time Slider and the Range Slider, as shown in Figure , are located at the bottom of the viewport. These two sliders are used to control the frames in animation.
The Time Slider comprises of the frames that are used for animation. There is an input box on the Time Slider called Set the current time , which indicates the current frame of animation. The keys in the Time Slider are displayed as red lines. The Time Slider displays the range of frames available in your animation. In the Time Slider, the grey box, known as scrub bar, is used to move back and forth in the active range of frames available for animation.
The Playback Controls at the extreme right of the current frame help you to play and stop the animation.