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The entire course was super easy to follow, and the amount of effort the instructor has put into designing the course flow is evident and admirable. I also loved the assignments as it really helped me identify how much I had learnt. This course is a good way to start with Excel. The instructors starts with introducing the basic principles and features of Excel and then gradually starts introducing more and more complex features.
I also like the quizzes during the screencasts and the weekly quizzes and assignments. The assignments resemble real life problems and solving the assignments can be quite challenging. Interesting how many things we can do in excel with just a bit f time and knowing some of the built in functionalities and formulas.
Of course, knowing your data and what you want to do to calculate it, analyze it, plot it, filter it, is paramount to understand the direction you have to go. Overall a very interesting training. Will for sure take part in Everyday Excel, Part 2.
I have been in need of a course that would address my deficiencies in using Excel for quite some time. This is the perfect course for those in a similar situation. I found the course to be challenging, but not so difficult that you cannot complete it.
The instructor is very clear and concise, which is helpful for someone like me who shies away from anything related to math. I wish I had an opportunity to do this course earlier when I worked in a laboratory.
With the huge amount of data I processed, knowledge of these skills would have been extremely useful and time saving.
It would have saved me hours of donkey work my boss expected me to do. Looking forward to completing part 2 of this course. Nuttelmann, you are an awesome instructor! Chevron Left Everyday Excel, Part 1 に戻る. 無料で登録 6月10日 より開講. Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Filled Star Half Faded Star. コースについて “Everyday Excel, Part 1” is aimed at learners who are seeking to learn Excel from the ground up.
No experience with Excel is necessary. While this course is meant for beginners of Excel, advanced users will undoubtedly pick up new skills and tools. This course is the first part of a three-part series and Specialization that focuses on teaching introductory through very advanced techniques and tools in Excel.
In this course Part 1 , you will: 1 learn how to effectively navigate around the Excel environment; 2 edit and format Excel worksheets; 3 implement basic to advanced Excel functions including financial, logical, and text functions ; 4 learn how to manage data sets filter, remove duplicates, consolidate data, sort data, and validate data ; and 5 learn how to effectively visualize data through scatterplots, column charts, and pie charts.
New to Excel? That is entirely fine! This course is meant to be fun, thought-provoking, and appeal to a wide audience. No prior knowledge in programming nor advanced math skills are necessary.
Hiragana character learning ta た chi ち na な ni に ha は hi ひ tsu つ nu ぬ fu ふ te て ne ね he へ to と no の ho ほ Some important points to take note while written the word: ち て The circled portion should be in oval shape and not circle shape. The circled portion is not a full curve.
へ The circled portion should be longer than the left portion of the stroke. uchi うち 1 house 2 home Remarks: Watashi no uchi 私のうち。 My house 6. hashi 橋 Bridge hashi 箸 Chopstick 7. Ashita wa nan youbi desuka 明日は何曜日ですか。 What day is tomorrow? Okuni wa doko desuka お国はどこですか。 Where is your country? hana 花 flower hana 鼻 nose umai うまい 1 good 2 delicious This practice enable you to pronounce 5 different characters with 5 different movement in your mouth.
ええ、…………………………… Un, …… ………………………… ………………………… うん、…………………………. A1 A2 A3 Remarks: A3 only can be used by male. It can not be used by female. Tan is a student. Iie, kare wa sensei dewa nakute, gakusei desu いいえ、彼は先生なくて、学生です。 No, he is not a teacher but is a student.
chyuugoku jin 中国人 Chinese the people of China, not Malaysian Chinese chyuugoku kei no mareeshiajin desu 中国系のマレーシ人です。 Malaysian Chinese Nikkei jin 日系人 Japanese who migrate to other countries. A san: B1 san: B2 san: Anata wa Sony no enjinia desuka あなたはソニーのエンジニアですか。 Hai, sou desu はい、そうです。 OR Hai, watashi wa Sony no enjinia desu はい、私はソニーのエンジニアです。 A san: B1 san: B2 san: Are you an engineer from Sony?
Yes, I am. OR Yes, I am an engineer from Sony. Remarks: B2 Tan: Ms Tan, are you the secretary for Design Division? No, I am not the secretary. I am the person in charge of Instruction Manual.
jiko syoukai 自己紹介 self introduction Example: Jiko syoukai shite kudasai 自己紹介してください。 Please introduce yourself 31 A san: Konnichi wa こんにちは。 B san: Konnichi wa. Watashi wa Aoki desu こんにちは。私は青木です。 A san: Watashi wa Buraun Buraun desu 私はブラウンです。 A san: san: Good afternoon.
B san: Good afternoon. I am Aoki. A san: I am Buraun. A san: B1 san: B2 san: Shitsurei desu ga, anata wa Kimura san desuka 失礼ですが、あなたは木村さんですか。 Hai, watashi wa Kimura desu はい、私は木村です。 Iie, Kimura dewa nakute, Kitamura desu いいえ、木村ではなくて、北村です。 A san: san: Excuse me, are you Kimura san? B1 san: Yes, I am Kimura. B2 san: No, I am not Kimura but is Kitamura. sumimasen すみません Sorry Use when a junior say sorry to a senior gomennasai ごめんなさい Sorry Use when a senior say sorry to a junior gomen ごめん Sorry Use when a mother say sorry to a child konnichiwa こんにちは。 good afternoon hallo for 1st time meet only 32 A san: Excuse me, may I know your name?
B san: Yes, I am Tan. A san: Sumimasenga, anata wa Lee san desuka すみませんが、あなたはリーさんですか。 B san: Iie, watashi wa Lee dewa nakute, Oo desu いいえ、私はリーではなくて、ウーです。 A san: Excuse me, are you you Ms.
B san: No, I am not Lee but is Oo. mo も Also Example: A san: Watashi wa gakusei desu 私は学生です。 B san: Watashi mo gakusei desu 私も学生です。 A san: I am a student. B san: I am also a student. Example: Ano kata mo mareeshiajin desuyo あの方もマレーシア人ですよ。 That person over there is also a Malaysian. sou desuka そうですか。 Really? sou desuka ああ…そうですか。 Oh, I see.
S2: I am a Malaysian. I am Tan from Sony. Lee is a staff from Sony. Yamada is a Japanese Mr Lee is a staff from Sony and Mr.
Yamada is a Japanese. However, it still still remains as two single single sentences. Subject is not necessary refers to the same item.
Soshite, namae wa Tan desu. Soshite, Lee san wa Singaporujin desu. 私はマレーシア人です。そして、リーさんはシンガポール人です。 Lee is a Singaporean. I am a Malaysian and Mr. Okyaku san wa Tanaka san desuka, Yamada san desuka お客さんは田中さんですか、山田さんですか。 Are you Mr.
Tanaka or Mr. For lesson 5 4 Aug 05 , please make sure that you are able to ask and answer: answer: Pronunciation practice for item 15 in lesson 4 notes How to recognize and write the hiragana character from あ to ほ.
Please refer to the sound recording files which prepared and edited by Mr. KW Lee for better understanding. It has been sent out yesterday. Hiragana character learning include pronunciation ma ま mi み mu む me め ya や yu ゆ ra ら ri り ru る re れ wa わ n ん mo も yo よ ro ろ o を Some important points to take note while written the word: み む The marked portion is curve. It is NOT straight. The marked portion is curve.
The marked portion is not appears in actual writing. It is only for printing purpose. Please take note on the stroke sequence. The circled portion needs to meet between each other. The circled portion is oval and not round shape. The circled portion is tick. The portion which marked with rectangle should above the horizontal line. Nani wo tabemasuka 何をたべますか。 What do you eat? Goshyoukai sasete itadakimashyouka ご紹介させていただきましょうか。 Shall I introduce both of you? Remarks: A2 Example of Introduction Conversation Yamada B san: B Tan Goshyoukai sasete itadakimashyouka ご紹介させていただきましょうか。 Kochira wa douryou no Yamada san desu こちらは同僚の山田さんです。 Kochira wa tomodachi no Tan desu こちらは友達のタンさんです。 Yamada san and Tan san: Hajimemashite.
Douzo yoroshiku はじめまして。どうぞ宜しく。 or Hajimemashite. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu はじめまして。宜しくお願いします。 or Hajimemashite. Yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu はじめまして。宜しくお願い致します。 B1 B2 B3 40 B san: Shall I introduce both of you you This is my colleague, Mr. This is my friend, Ms Tan. Mr Yamada and Ms Tan: Nice to meet you. futari 二人 Two persons Futatsu 二つ Two items Example: Ofutari wa nihonjin desuka お二人は日本人ですか。 Are both of you Japanese?
ginkou 銀行 Bank ginkouin 銀行員 Bank staff Ano hito wa dare desuka あの人は誰ですか。 or A1 Ano kata wa donata desuka あの方はどなたですか。 A2 Who is that person over there? Yamada san wa otoko desuka, onnadesuka 山田さんは男ですか、女ですか。 Is Yamada san a gentleman or a lady?
Ling dono kata どの方 Which person Example: Tan san wa dono kata desuka タンさんはどの方ですか。 Who is Mr. Lee, Mr. Tan, Mr. Maeda and Mr. Yoshioka are gentlemen. ano otoko あの男 that gentleman ano onna あの女 that lady Tan san wa tadaima imasen タンさんはただいまいません。 or Tan san wa tadaima orimasen タンさんはただいまおりません。 Mr.
Tan is not around A1 kuruma 車 Car Kore wa kuruma desu これは車です。 This is a car Kono kuruma wa nihon no kuruma desu この車は日本の車です。 This is a car which made in Japan Kore wa nan desuka これは何ですか。 Sore wa hon desu それは本です。 Nan no hon desuka 何の本ですか。 Sore wa nihongo no hon desu それは日本語の本です。 What kind of book?
This is a Japanese book. Kore wa doko no kitte desuka これはどこの切手ですか。 Where is this stamp from? Sore wa nihon no kitte desu それは日本の切手です。 This is stamp from Japan Kore wa donata no meishi desuka これはどなたの名刺ですか。 Who is the owner for this name card? Sore wa Lee san no meishi desu それはリーさんの名刺です。 This name card belongs to Mr. Lee Practice on the previous lesson items Please refer to the sound recording files which prepared and edited by Mr.
Yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu はじめまして。宜しくお願い致します。 B1 B2 B3 B san: Shall I introduce both of you you This is my colleague, Mr. Mr Yamada and Ms Tan: Nice to meet you. Remarks: B1 49 2. 日本語かな入門 4 課 and 5 課 study 3. When combine with other words and in order to smooth the pronunciation, it become ぢ. For examples: kouhii kudasai コーヒーください Coffee please biiru kudasai ビールください Beer please jyuusu kudasai ジュースください Juice please orenji jyuusu kudasai オレンジジュースください Orange juice please ringo jyuusu kudasai リンゴジュースください Apple juice please meron jyuusu kudasai メロンジュースください Watermelon juice please 8.
Nan nin kazoku desuka 何人家族ですか How many people in your family? hebi 蛇 snake tera 寺 temple snake temple 蛇寺 hebi dera ebi 海老 prawn Practice on the below sentence structure. Kore wa nan desuka これは何ですか。 What is this item?
Sore wa nan desuka それは何ですか。 What is that item? Are wa nan desuka あれは何ですか。 What is that item over there? keitaidenwa 携帯電話 Handphone That is Ms. Tan or Ms.
Tan, is this your car? No, that is not my car. It is Mr. Conversation example: Sensei: Minasan: Sensei: Lee san: Sensei: Tan san: Sensei: Tan san: Sensei: Minasan, kore wa nan desuka 先生:皆さん、これは何ですか。 Sore wa kagi desu それは鑰です。 Donata no kagi desuka [どなたの 鑰 ですか。] Tan san no kagi desu [タンさんの 鑰 です。] Aa, sou desuka ああ。そうですか。 Tan san, kono kagi wa anata no desuka タンさん、この鑰はあなたのですか。 Hai, sou desu はい、そうです。 Douzo どうそ Arigato gozaimashita ありがとうございました。 Douitashimashite どういたしまして。 Teacher: Class: Teacher: Mr.
Lee: Teacher: Talk to every one in the class class What is this? That is a key. Whose key is this? Tan, is this your key? Tan: Yes, it is mine. Used when give something to somebody Ms.
Tan: Thank you very much. Teacher: You are welcome. Kore wa Tan san no kami desune これはタンさんの紙ですね。 This is Ms. Kore wa donna iro desuka これはどんな色ですか。 What is this colour? kawai かわい cute houmon 訪問 visit Mou ippai ikaga desuka もういっぱいいかがですか。 Mou ippai dou desuka もういっぱいどうですか。 How about one more cup? Ashita wa ikaga desuka 明日はいかがですか。 How about tomorrow? or A1 A2 Tan san wa ikaga desuka タンさんはいかがですか。 How about Ms. Tan You can use this sentence when propose somebody. For eg: candidate to handle a project or for a business trip.
Hand out DAI NI KA : HOuMON 1 study stud y The senior will reply in B1 method. The junior will reply in B2 method. All have been spelt out. For example: A san : Gakusei wa doko no kuni no kata desuka 学生はどこの国の方ですか。 B1 san: Kankokujin to kanadajin to doitsujin desu 韓国人とカナダ人とドイツ人です。 B2 san: kankokujin ya kanadajin ya doitsujin nado desu 韓国人やカナダ人やドイツ人などです。 irasshaimase いらっしゃいませ Welcome Normally used in a shop, restaurants, restaurants, … Youkoso ようこそ Welcome Normally used on a banner Kunwar Nakul Rajput.
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