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Sony acid music studio 10 manual free download

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Information contained in this читать больше has been obtained by Thomson Course Technology PTR from sources believed to be reliable. However, because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by our sources, Увидеть больше Course Technology PTR, or others, the Publisher does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or the sony acid music studio 10 manual free download obtained sony acid music studio 10 manual free download use of such information.
Readers should be particularly aware of the fact that the Internet is http://replace.me/40604.txt ever-changing sony acid music studio 10 manual free download. Some facts may have changed since this book went to press. Educational facilities, companies, and organizations interested in fgee copies or licensing of this book should contact the publisher for quantity discount information.
Training manuals, CD-ROMs, and portions of this book are also available individually or can be tailored for specific needs. Foreword Respected author and speaker D. David knows that to fully appreciate the power and flexibility of ACID Pro software as it is today, you must first understand its roots, and why it remains the music creation application by which all others are judged.
Before ACID Pro software, even simple composition and recording required hiring talented musicians, booking studio time, and spending a lot muisc money.
ACID Pro software changed all that with the launch of version 1. With its straightforward interface and intuitive pick, paint, and play functionality, ACID Pro software made professional audio composition and editing accessible to anyone with a PC.
Word of this revolutionary new tool spread fast, and musicians and producers everywhere embraced the ACID Pro software as an essential component of composition, recording, editing, and production. Version 5 features three new patent-pending technologies: Groove Mapping and Groove Cloning quantization tools, sony acid music studio 10 manual free download the powerful Media Manager musoc.
These maunal technologies forge exciting new music creation territory, giving you creative potential and flexibility that manua, unmatched by any other program. Other new features include native VST effects support, nestable folder tracks, ReWire device support, and real-time event reverse.
In this book, D. From the basics of song creation to incorporating the ACID Pro tools into your live performance, youll learn the tricks of the trade and achieve truly professional results. If you want to create songs, remix tracks, produce 5. Acknowledgments First, Id like to say thanks to all who worked on this book, getting it download 2013 & microsoft download free office business iso home press a little over a week after Sony Media Software officially released the application.
Very impressive. I wish to acknowledge Sean Medlock for making sure I write real good and keeping me on task. Andy Saff made significant contributions to the editing, and Mark Garvey did a splendid job of propelling this project forward. Thanks go out to Orren Merton for creating the fun and thought-provoking quizzes at the end of mjsic chapter. Although I rarely worked directly with the layout staff, I want to publicly say that I think the book looks great.
Thanks, gang. Gentlemen, I wish we had more time and more pages. About the Author D. Eric Franks is an author and speaker who teaches musci production and post-production techniques to folks all over the world. Hes published a half-dozen books and several hundred magazine articles.
Franks currently supports his ACID software fere need more loop libraries! He spends his weekends working on a film on that will probably never get a public screening, if indeed it is ever finished at all. Contents Introduction. Getting Around. Mid-Song Key Changes. Polishing Up. Recording Vocals and Instruments. Mastering the Mix. Recommendations on FX Placement. FX Dictionary. The ability to create professional-quality music, using just about any modern computer, is now in the hands of the masses.
ACID software is sophisticated yet simple. First and foremost, its fun. The very first time you fire it up, you can produce something that sounds pretty good. Manuak fact, привожу ссылку you havent already done so, put this book down and go try it out! This initial ease and simplicity masks the fact eony ACID software is a powerful and professional-level tool thats ideally suited to song composition and film scoring, among other uses.
This book comprehensively covers these higher-level features and shows you sony acid music studio 10 manual free download to use ACID software in real-world situations. Whether youre a new-wave multimedia designer creating engrossing content for the Net or an oldschool producer in a traditional recording studio, this book will teach msic how to take full advantage of the ACID application.
And get this: ACID software can help you make money too! The ACID 5 software from Sony Media Software is the most popular and advanced loop-based music creation and remixing tool ever created. It doesnt require any particular musical talent other than a good ear, and needs no special equipment other than a basic computer. The ACID application is a fully capable standalone tool, and yet it meshes perfectly with studio hardware and other software multimedia applications.
Its stunningly easy to create catchy tunes mamual an hour of installing this artistic tool. And it all starts with the loop. Loops are short sections of music or a performance, saved as standard media files on your computer. Theyre the building blocks of an ACID song. The first loops were created by physically attaching short sections of magnetic audio tape end to end. These loops were recorded in such a way that when they ended, they immediately began playing again at the start musuc the file, potentially forever.
Hence the term loop. Todays versions arent literally loops, but they perform the same function. Recorded by professional musicians, loops allow you sony acid music studio 10 manual free download take a drumbeat, a bass line, and a lead instrument melody and assemble them into avid new and original composition.
Because there are many thousands of loops available, the creative possibilities are almost endless. And sony acid music studio 10 manual free download the individual loops are created by some of the worlds top musical talents, the quality is sony acid music studio 10 manual free download. It doesnt even matter whether aciv can play a note yourself or not.
But ACID software isnt just a crutch for folks with little or no musical ability; the program also helps performers create their own loops and thus expand their range of tools and expression. The ACID application is primarily a musicians tool, with a focus on song creation and multi-track mixing, but many other professionals and serious hobbyists will find it extremely useful.
ACID software is ideally suited for multimedia professionals who need to create original music manul Shockwave and Flash presentations. Ive sony acid music studio 10 manual free download this to be a lucrative avenue. Video and film professionals will find no tool thats better suited to scoring. DJs and mixmasters can use the ACID application to remix songs in amazing new ways, even in demanding and exciting live performance venues. And of course, studios and musicians will find. The ACID software is so simple to use, and yet its powerful effects enable you to create truly professional material.
One of нажмите сюда most amazing aspects of the ACID software is its simplicity of use. Dont let that fool you: Theres a lot going on under the hood. Beat matching, tempo adjustment, key matching, and mixing are only a few of the things that you may never notice as you use the ACID application.
Once youve explored the program for a while, get ready for the next level, with complex effects, digital video, MIDI, cutting-edge compression algorithms, CD burning, 5. Продолжение здесь what this book is about. About This Book This book takes you beyond the basics and explains guru-level procedures that utilize the ACID 5 application to its fullest potential.
The ACID application is more than a toy, although it can be more fun than a video game. This book is targeted at the intelligent multimedia professional who is ready to use ACID ссылка on the job, as well as the hobbyist who wants a serious artistic tool.
The clear and solid examples in the first few chapters sony acid music studio 10 manual free download quickly allow the less technically inclined reader to express his creativity more fully. On the other hand, technically savvy non-musicians will find the chapters on introductory music читать больше invaluable as they move beyond playing around with the ACID software and into serious music composition.
And for those who are techno-wizards both with software and in the studio, this book will explain the most efficient techniques for maximizing the power of the ACID application. This book is going to start with the fun stuff. Immediately after you install the program and before your read another wordyou really should play around with it for a bit.
The first goal of this book is to familiarize you with the nuts and bolts of the ACID software. Thanks to the больше на странице thought out user interface UI and program workflow, you can master the ACID application fairly quickly. The second goal of this book is to go beyond the basics and into true music creation.
Most people never create a song thats more than a bunch of loops that sound good together, layered track over track. It shouldnt end there, however. Just as a good story or novel has an arresting introduction, a dynamic exposition, a shocking conclusion, and a satisfying denouement, a good song musi structure as well. To use another analogy, just because you can type sony acid music studio 10 manual free download mean you can write a great novel.
The middle section of this book focuses on music and music theory, with a heavy emphasis on how to expresses your musical ideas effortlessly using the ACID software. The final goal of this book is to get into some of the more technical aspects of the ACID tools. From burning industry-standard CDs to producing highly compressed MP3 files for the Internet, publishing and sharing your music is the ultimate goal.
In the process, this book will cover everything you need to know about maximizing the quality of your music after the creative process is over.
Sony acid music studio 10 manual free download
Explore loops and 90 virtual instruments. Download your free Sony Sound Series loop library. Paint streams of music in the arrange window. Create as many audio and MIDI tracks as you need. Use powerful MIDI editing and sequencing tools. Export songs to all your favorite portable players. Our exclusive Show Me How tutorials guide you through the entire creative process. Time increases as you progress toward the right side of the timeline, allowing you to align events in a project visually.
Although its not a part of the timeline proper, the Track Header contains many special controls. Q Window Docking Area. Below the timeline is the Window Docking Area. This is a broad catchall area that can contain all of the smaller sub-windows that do the real work in the ACID application.
These subwindows dont need to remain in this lower region. You can drag them anywhere on the screen you want. The main menus at the top of the UI are the most complete list of available commands in the software.
The ACID application makes extensive use of shortcuts to speed up editing. Many of these shortcuts follow standard Windows conventions. Beyond the standard Windows commands, each ACID menu shortcut is identified to the right of that command. For example, you can display all of the various windows in ACID instantly by using the commands on the View menu, or by using the associated keyboard shortcuts.
Figure 2. Although you can navigate most ACID menus using keyboard shortcuts, only a limited subset of commands have hotkey shortcuts that can be executed without navigating menus. Or, press V at any time. This is where your project is laid out, left to right, in chronological order.
The various sounds or loops that you use to create a song are mixed together in tracks from top to bottom. Theres no hierarchy to the tracks, as far as dominance in your mix is.
All loops that overlap vertically are mixed together to form the audio thats played back from the ACID software. The timeline is made up of many separate parts see Figure 2. The basic layout of the timeline is functional and easy to get used to: Q ACID tracks correspond to audio tracks in the real world.
In a traditional recording studio, a recording engineer can record multiple parts in a studio session to different tracks on a tape: lets say a drum track, a saxophone track, a bass guitar track, and a piano track. Since each track is independent of the others, the engineer can then modify and mix those tracks individually. ACID tracks operate in a similar way, but theyre actually much more versatile. Q The timecode at the upper left of the UI specifies the current position of the timeline cursor Time at Cursor in a selected format, including specific measure and beat information.
Q You can adjust the tempo and key of the project in the area just below the Track Header. You can change the particular units that are displayed according to your personal preferences. Q The Zoom and Scroll bars are important and easy to use, allowing you to see more detail in a project or navigate quickly to a new location. There are two basic cursors in the ACID software.
One is the standard Windows mouse cursor, which most frequently appears as an arrow. In the application, the straight vertical line that runs from the top to the bottom of the timeline is the timeline cursor. Q Timeline Navigating the Timeline Moving forward and back on the timeline moves you forward and back through time in your project. The timeline cursor marks the current position and is the focus of any actions that you take.
For example, when you press the spacebar, the project begins playing back from the timeline cursors position. Clicking anywhere in the timeline area moves the timeline cursor to that position.
Horizontal Scrolling Through Time You can navigate the timeline by using the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom. This allows you to view different parts of the project, and its independent of the timeline cursor that is, the timeline cursor doesnt always need to be on the screen. Q Use the arrow buttons on either end of the scroll bar to move left or right through a project.
Q Drag the scroll bar to move left or right. Q Press and hold the Shift key and use your mouse wheel to move left or right.
Vertical Scrolling Through Stacked Tracks Eventually, a project will have enough tracks stacked up that its difficult to view all of them at once.
Many Windows applications now take advantage of the mouse wheel for scrolling and zooming. I dont want to sound like a mouse salesman, but once youve used a mouse with a wheel, youll wonder how you ever lived without it. This is doubly true in ACID 5. Q Use the arrow buttons at the top and bottom of the vertical scroll bar.
Q Drag the vertical scroll bar up and down. Q Press and hold the Ctrl key and use your mouse wheel to move up and down. Name the new folder track and then drag any tracks you want into the new hierarchy.
You can group your tracks however youd like, for example, grouping all percussion parts or vocals together. The Minimize and Maximize buttons then collapse and expand the tracks to conserve space and make your projects more manageable. Fortunately, zooming is very easy, especially if you have a mouse with a wheel button. Zooming in on a project allows you to see greater detail in an events waveform, or perform edits within very small fractions of a second, right down to the audio sample level.
Zooming out allows you to get a better overall feel for a project, allows for much faster navigation, and lets you copy large sections of the project and paste them to other locations. Q Drag the edge of the horizontal scroll bar. Q Use the mouse wheel button. A mouse wheel is the easiest tool to use for zooming. Track Zooming Less important than project or timeline zooming is track-level zooming. Q Drag the edge of the vertical scroll bar. Transport Controls The transport controls see Figure 2.
Youll use these buttons to move the timeline cursor around on the timeline, and to control playback and recording in a project. A few transport controls are also available in the Explorer and Chopper windows.
Tracks Tracks are the equivalent of audio tracks in a multi-track recording environment. Each track is associated with a particular media file, whether audio, video, or MIDI. Tracks can control effects, volume, panning, and other important aspects of how the ACID software mixes a media file into a project. Each track has two major parts: the Track Header on the left, and the timeline portion of the track on the right see Figure 2.
The Track Header serves as the control panel for the track, with volume faders and FX controls, and is analogous to the track controls on a mixer board in a recording studio. The main timeline portion of the track is where the song is drawn and most editing takes place.
You can think of events as containers for media files, or windows into a media file. A single event can contain multiple repetitions of a media file, or only a small portion of a much larger file.
Events are drawn or painted onto the timeline and represent the projects output visually. Depending on the zoom level, events also display the sound in a media file with a waveform drawing see Figure 2. This waveform shows the amplitude that is, loudness of the sound waves over time, making visual edits possible. Youll very rapidly begin to recognize what you hear in the waveforms you see, making it possible to cut precisely between two drum beats, for example.
This event has four repetitions of a loop, and fades in and fades out. Instead, they overlay events in a track, controlling the volume, panning, and effects in real time. Envelopes allow you to fade in and out of a loop or pan across stereo channels.
For example, a red volume envelope that starts at the bottom of a track and moves up toward the center indicates a volume that gradually increases over time or fades in see Figure 2. Technically, envelopes are track-level objects; they operate on events and typically correspond to specific events in a track.
For this reason, envelopes can be locked to events that is, move as the events move by making sure the Lock Envelopes to Events button is clicked. Marker Bar, Grid Bar, and Time Ruler Bar Surrounding the timeline are a number of rulers and bars that help you organize and subdivide your project see Figure 2.
Q The Marker bar contains all markers and regions that you can use to organize and quickly navigate around a project. Markers serve as snapping points for the cursor and events in a project. Q The Grid bar is divided up into measures, beats, and time, in the following format: measure. You can change the grid spacing, but the detail thats visible in a grid depends on the zoom level in a project. Grid lines serve as snapping points for the cursor and events in a project. Q The Time Ruler appears along the bottom of the timeline and is independent of the grid.
This allows you to create an entire seamlessly mixed CD, and add track divisions that your listeners can navigate to on their CD players. Toolbar The toolbar see Figure 2. These buttons are the commands that you use the most frequently, giving you faster access to them. The ACID toolbar defaults to 20 or so common buttons, but you can now customize the toolbar however you like. To show or hide the toolbar, select Toolbar from the View menu. The check mark next to the Toolbar item on the View menu indicates whether the toolbar is visible.
You can display the name of a button and the command it executes by holding the mouse cursor over it. The ToolTip that pops up also appears over many objects in the ACID application, and often displays the associated shortcut keys. The default toolbar is Sony Media Softwares best guess as to what the user might want to do most frequently. The ACID software also allows you a significant amount of customization to fit your personal work habits, such as by specifying the particular command buttons that appear on the toolbar.
To customize the toolbar: 1. From the Options menu, select Customize Toolbar. In the Customize Toolbar dialog see Figure 2. Select a button from the Current toolbar buttons list and click Remove to remove a button.
Click the Close button when youre finished. Q Window Docking Area You can change the order of the buttons on the toolbar. Select individual buttons on the Current toolbar buttons list in the Customize Toolbar dialog, and then click the Move Up or Move Down buttons. You can find the full list of the ten windows that are associated with the Window Docking area on the View menu.
A check mark next to a windows name indicates visibility; clicking a windows name changes whether its visible or not. Docking Windows The Docking part of the Window Docking area means that you can lock the various windows into place and organize them into tabbed windows at the bottom of the UI.
This implies that there must be an undocked state for all of these windows, and indeed there is. You can drag any window to and from the Window Docking area, and then resize and position it anywhere on the screen see Figure 2. This allows you to customize the look and feel of the ACID software to suit your working style. Q To return a window to the docking area, click the title bar and drag it back to the docking area until it snaps into place.
Organizing the Window Docking Area The purpose of having a docking area is organizational. The docking area organizes the various windows in two distinct ways. First, you can divide the docking area itself into a number of different regions. Second, each region in the docking area can contain any or all of the various windows, stacked in a tabbed arrangement.
Typically, the docking area is divided into two or sometimes three regions, with each region containing one or two windows. The Window Docking area in Figure 2. Notice that the Video Preview and the Mixer windows are in their own regions. This keeps these windows visible at all times for previewing and monitoring of project playback. You can rearrange windows in the docking area by dragging them by the handle on the left side.
Q To stack windows in the same region, drop a windows handle directly on another windows handle. Q To place a window in its own region in the docking area, drop the windows handle anywhere in the docking area away from any other windows. Although its possible to have each window in a separate region or all of them in a single region, its probably best to stack some less frequently used windows in the same region.
Although the exact layout is entirely up to you, in a good layout you rarely ever need to resize or move any of the windows. Windows can be resized in either a docked state or a free-floating state. The entire docking region can be made taller or shorter by dragging the bar that separates the timeline from the Window Docking area.
In all cases, watch for the mouse cursor to change to a resize cursor when its over the correct location for resizing. When you restart, it remembers all of the changes youve made. In the next few pages, well outline the operation of each of these windows briefly. More detailed explanations will be saved for later chapters as each window becomes relevant to your project.
It also allows you to preview a selected media file by clicking the Auto Preview button see Figure 2. You can add media files to new tracks in a project by double-clicking them, or by dragging them to the timeline from the ACID Explorer window.
Its completely non-destructive, meaning that any changes you make in the Chopper dont change the original source media file. The Chopper allows you to select shorter sections of a media file quickly and accurately, and then insert those sections into a track as events.
The ACID virtual mixer contains many of the same features and controls as a mixing board in a recording studio. Preview volumes, output volume, and FX routing are a few of the operations that you can control in the Mixer window see Figure 2. Typically, its less complex than the pictured 5. With the appropriate hardware such as a FireWire card and DV camcorder , the output from this window can be sent to a television monitor see Chapter 11, Video.
There are no editing controls in this window. Although you can use the Explorer window to browse around your loop libraries just as you do in Windows Explorer, the Media Manager is the pinnacle of efficiency. It isnt entirely intuitive to use at first, but taking the time to set up a database and learning how to use the Media Manager is well worth the effort. Better still, continued use makes your database easier to use over time. For more information, see Chapter 13, Loose Ends and Loops.
Since there are a few different kinds of tracks in the ACID application, this information is dependent upon the type of track selected. Many of the properties can be modified in this window see Figure 2. Although a media file especially a loop file from Sony Media Software may already contain the extra information to specify a tracks properties, these properties are independent of the actual media file.
In other words, a media files ACID properties often correspond to a tracks properties, but this isnt necessary and you can override these settings for example, an intended one-shot media file can be placed in a loop track. Video tracks dont have any properties to display in this window. The virtual position of the sound is indicated by an orange diamond with lighter keyframe dots lining its animated path over time.
You can also set the center channel and LFE volume in this window. Q Window Docking Area Figure 2. Soft synths often have dials and knobs that mimic real-world synthesizers, but they can look like just about anything see Figure 2. You can use them to fix, clean up, sweeten, or otherwise improve the audio, or you can use them to change a sound more artistically.
Each audio plug-in or effect has its own individual array of controls see Figure 2. This window is identical for both track- and project-level FX controls. You can find it by pressing the FX button on the UI. Since you can have a lot of plug-ins, this window makes it convenient to see them all.
Use the Groove Pool to organize and edit your grooves, and to add them to your project at the track level. If you find yourself using the mouse to click buttons, or navigating the same set of menus and submenus again and again, theres probably some type of shortcut.
The mouse wheel navigational shortcuts are especially useful, although judging by the exhaustive use of keyboard shortcuts in the ACID software, you might get the impression that the folks at Sony Media Software have an irrational fear of mice. Table 2. Turn snapping on and off or even better, temporarily disable snapping with the Shift key. Of course, holding down the Ctrl key or Shift key allows you to select multiple events.
And dont forget the Windows motto, Save early, save often. Chapter 2 Quiz 1. Your ACID project is laid out chronologically in the: 1. Toolbar 3. Timeline 4. Your ACID project will never be laid out chronologically. Q Chapter 2 Quiz 2. You can scroll horizontally on the timeline by: 1. Using the arrow buttons on either end of the scrollbar 2. Dragging the scrollbar left or right 3. Holding the Shift key while moving your mouse wheel 4.
The Chopper window is used to: 1. Trim audio files 2. Solo audio files 3. Increase the volume of audio files 4. Deselect audio files. The shortcut to start and stop playback is: 1. Enter 4. Audio plug-ins modify the sound of a project. The detail thats visible in a grid depends on: 1. The zoom level 2.
How many events you have on the timeline 3. How many tracks are in your project 4. The number of effects you use per track. The toolbar contains every command available in the ACID software. The transport controls move the timeline cursor around the timeline. A well-composed song is more than a collection of sounds and loops thrown together on a whim. And its more than just a beat, a bass, and a beautiful melody.
Good songs, like good stories, have structure. We can divide a story into a beginning, a middle, and an end. Its made up of words, sentences, and paragraphs. We can view a songs structure in the same way, in terms of its component parts: beats, measures, and phrases. The ACID software has the tools to help you create that structure.
Although you should feel free to violate any and all rules in the name of Art, even the most abstract avant garde composers benefit from a basic knowledge of music theory and composition. Of course, this is a technical book, so well only skim the surface of this artistic topic, so you should broaden your musical composition skills with a book dedicated to that subject.
This chapter details some of the more interesting features of the ACID software and shows you how to create a song in a number of different genres.
As you work through the examples, you should save the finished projects to use as templates for your own creations. Song Structure Just as a good story has a beginning, a middle, and a satisfying conclusion, many genres of music are based on some type of structure. I have recently upgraded my computer and am having trouble locating a presto page manager download to install.
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All of the above. The Paint tool has four uses: Q Painting across tracks. Sometimes referred to as ASR Attack Sustain Release envelopes, theyre the easiest way to fade continuous events smoothly.