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Continuum plugins are a one-stop shop for your content creation needs. Import and export Mocha data from other hosts, easily set up offset tracking, and limit effects with complex masking driven by the award-winning art of planar tracking. New for New in Every editor knows the importance of transitions to drive stories forward. Continuum Transport viewers to another scene with Crash Zoom, use light leaks to elegantly move between scenes, and up your essential dissolve arsenal with both Film Glow and Prism Dissolve.
Work faster with new FX Editor presets and even blend essential dip to color or blur effects to the mix. The next evolution of Particle Illusion brings 3D models to the user-friendly generator. Import Maxon Cinema 4D files and map particles to different surface setups for full creative particle control. After Effects users also have the ability to use text or masked shapes for line simulations.
Each effect contains new presets to help you visualize your imagery every step of the way. You can also save your own presets and share them with any host that runs Continuum.
New in Major Speed Gains. Continuum is the fastest version of the award-winning plugin collection yet. For a full list of MFR speed improvements, click here. Create stunning particle animations in no time thanks to huge performance increases delivering up to 5x faster speeds across all supported plugin hosts. Highlighted presets include The Wizard of Oz, E. Easily test out different gobos in seconds without the added production costs.
Take your story to the next level with beautiful and elegant lighting effects. Channel your inner analog filmmaker with The Cinematographer Toolkit Instantly transform your footage with curated presets featuring the best film emulation options in the business. Say goodbye to challenging greenscreens with a few simple clicks with Primatte Studio. Then fine tune your composite with a number of edge tools designed to take the capabilities of your host further than ever before.
Create beautiful lens flares or design professional animated intro graphics with the help of Particle Illusion and Title Studio. Continuum has a robust set of effects and graphic templates for every project imaginable. Beat Reactor is built natively into several Continuum effects allowing specific properties to auto animate to music.
Never has production value come with so few clicks. Unleash the power of every Continuum effect by launching Mocha. Perform complicated masking tasks and track position data with incredible ease and precision. Considering upgrading from an older version of Continuum?
With each release, Boris FX improves Continuum by increasing the number of filters and effects, making it faster, and making its tools even more useful.
Continuum version 15 – Release date: November Continuum version Best Value! Low Monthly Cost! Continuum serves the everyday needs of editors, motion graphic artists, and compositors working in today’s fast-paced environments. No videos found.
Product: Continuum For floating and render license options, please contact us. Mac OSX: Node-locked, Subscription or floating license.
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