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Windows 10 debloat script reddit free

Project mention: None of my Windows app open reddit. Win10Debloat 1 3. Project mention: Just installed Win 10 on a new machine no choice; different discussion. I have minimal experience with it. Can someone point to a respected, maintained guide to privacy settings? EVA 1 Project mention: Atlas OS news. WindowsToolbox 1 5. Do you know how can I remove it? XToolbox 3 85 9. Project mention: Help! Clicked a link on google which automatically downloaded something reddit.
Debloat 0 51 0. Project mention: Windows Auto Setup Framework reddit. The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we’ve tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. Stars – the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth – month over month growth in stars. Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9. Posts with mentions or reviews of bloatbox. Worked for me Windows 10 Complained that PeopleExperienceHost could not be uninstalled but that was about it. Make sure you run this from a admin elevated command prompt. I did forgot to mention that this needs to run in an admin shell. I figured it went without saying since it’s removing core packages but I’ve added it to the script. Skip to content. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters Show hidden characters.
Copy link. For some reason it crashed my PC. Well, the script is almost 2 years old though. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. There are a lot of debloat scripts around the internet which are referred to as Windows 10 debloaters. If you want to support the creator and the contributors to this tool, you can visit the farag2 Github profile. Now that you know the main features of this script and the supported windows 10 versions, I think we are ready to start!
Once you know your exact windows 10 version, go ahead and download the script. Make sure to download the file that matches your Windows 10 version. Once you downloaded the file, go ahead and extract it. As the developers suggest, you can edit the file and choose what gets changed and whatnot. If you have no idea and you think you may mess up everything, stick with me, and continue reading! I prefer to disable everything, but you can go ahead and untick whatever scheduled task you want to keep enabled.
Once you choose the ones you want to get disabled, click on the Disable button. The next tab will ask you which Windows features you want to disable. Go ahead and disable everything unless you know you need some of these features. WindowsPowerShellv2 is an older version, and if you are a normal user, you will probably never use it, so you can disable it right now. I usually disable everything. I recommend deleting everything since there are better alternatives.
Remember that you should tick the ones you want to be disabled. By the time you get here, in front of your screen should be the background apps tab. I personally have everything turned off. We will go more in-depth later on. Here you want only to keep the ones that you really use. Type A and hit enter.
Windows 10 debloat script reddit free – Debloat related posts
Less time debugging, more time building. Latest commit.❿
GitHub – Sycnex/Windows10Debloater: Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.. Windows 10 debloat script reddit free
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters Show hidden characters. Copy link. For some reason it crashed my PC. Well, the script is almost 2 years old though. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window.
Wish I had found your site years ago. Maybe you are a dork who loves being all day with their PC doing programming and that stupid boring shit but most people dont. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Vendor List Privacy Policy. Table of Contents show. Step 1 — Install all the Windows 10 updates. Step 2 — Create a restore point. Step 3 — How To Debloat Windows Step 4 — Eliminating Startup apps and processes.
Step 5 — Uninstalling the rest of the apps manually. Guides to Optimize your PC. Debloat Windows Frequently Asked Questions. Choose your system drive and click on configure! Click apply and OK. Core features — Can be found on GitHub too. Supported OS Versions — Check frequently since the developers are actively working on the project! Run Autoruns. What does debloating Windows 10 mean? Is Debloating Windows 10 worth it?
What are the benefits of Debloating my computer? Do I need to install Windows fresh before debloating? No, but ideally, you should debloat the system right after installation. What is a Windows 10 Debloater? Is it safe to Debloat Windows 10? Is there a way of undoing all the changes?
Thank you very much. With appreciation, Mark. Same problem. Thanks for any additional clarification. Hello Dees, You are not obligated to follow this guide.
Here you want only to keep the ones that you really use. Type A and hit enter. Now look for the. There is a good possibility you want to protect a specific folder just if there is any malware on your computer. If you have any financial documents or anything valuable to you, you may consider enabling this option to that folder.
If you enabled the controlled folder access feature, you might want to allow an app to access that folder. If everything went well, we should get a yellow message at the end of the PowerShell telling us to make sure we restart our computer. Autoruns will allow us to see every single app and process running and automatically start when our computer turns on. Go ahead and download Autorun as shown in the image below. Once downloaded, extract the files to a folder and right-click on Autoruns.
I disable everything related to browsers and other software that i barely use, since if there is any update you will most probably get a notification from the program itself. The last tab we are going to optimize and tweak is the Services tab and debloat our Windows even more.
For example, if you disable EasyAntiCheat, you may get errors when playing online games that depend on it. In this final step, you want to make sure your computer is fully clear from spyware, adware, malware, viruses, etc.
Go ahead and download AdwCleaner , and once download, just click on the file. Agree to the terms and services, and now you should see a window like this one below.
Click on Scan Now , and let AdwCleaner finish scanning your computer. Once completed, you should see the option Quarantine on the bottom right side of the window. Go ahead and click on it. Note that it will restart your browser once you do it. Now, go ahead and download Malwarebytes. You can get the free version or the 14day trial. If you want to be totally safe on the internet and can afford it, you can get the premium version and then disable Windows defender If you wish to — But if you know what you are doing, Windows defender or Malwarebytes free is more than enough.
Install Malwarebytes and then open it. This scan may take a lot of time, but it can save you from very unwanted situations. Now that you debloated your computer, you might want to optimize your ping and network settings to have a properly configured computer.
If you absolutely need to use a VPN for whatever reason, then make sure they have a lot of servers across the world, as well as their servers, are the fastest with the lowest ping possible. Below you can find some posts from me that will help you optimize your PC even more and possibly increase your FPS. If you have any questions suggestions or you need help, please let me know in the comments below! This is very helpful for people like me who is a novice.
Thank you for writing in a very readable manner. Hello Ray, Going back to a Restore point would be the easiest and most convenient way to possibly revert all the changes.
Thank you for this guide! I wanted to strip out some of the bloat from Win10 and this guide has been invaluable! Many thanks once again!