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Microsoft word 2016 questions and answers free download
Which of the following shortcut key is used to insert hyperlink in MS-Excel? Start Learning English English. Callout Comment Dialog Extension Translate. India’s Super Teachers for all govt. Win over the concepts of Microsoft Office and get a step ahead with the preparations for Computer Awareness with Testbook. The correct answer is Comment. Key Points MS-Excel comments are used to add a note or explain an action in a cell.
Excel comment boxes can also be resized and moved. Additional Information Callout – These are graphic objects having a “connector” that can point where users want it. Data Callout Labels make it easier to show the details about the data series. Dialog – A dialog box is a screen where users input information, and make choices about different aspects of the current worksheet.
Extension- it is a file extension which refers to a suffix added at the end of the computer file. Get Started for Free Download App. The correct answer is Change Case. The case menu offers four options; Sentence case: It capitalizes the first letter of each sentence.
Lowercase: It changes the text from uppercase to lowercase. Uppercase: It capitalizes all the letters of your text. Capitalize Each Word: It capitalizes the first letter of each word.
To start a slide show in PowerPoint for the web, open the file, and on the Slide Show tab of the ribbon, select play from the beginning. The F keys are function keys located on the top of the keyboard and can be used to change brightness, and volume or even put the computer to sleep.
Key Points WordArt is an easy method to add effects to text and make it stand out. Choose a WordArt style from the WordArt collection on the Insert tab to start, and then edit the text as needed. The attribute used for text decorating is text-decoration. To decorate the text in various ways, the text-decoration property accepts underline, overline, line-through, and values.
Word art, also known as text art, is a type of artwork that mostly consists of text in the form of words or phrases; it combines language with visual imagery. The correct answer is option 3. Concept: Slide Master view is a PowerPoint tool that allows us to easily edit the slides and slide layouts in our presentation. Hence the correct answer is Outline master. F1 –Universal help for any sort of program. Home — Takes the user to the beginning of the current line. End — Go to the end of the current line.
Key Points Print Preview function lets users see the pages that are about to print and allows the users to see exactly how the pages will look when they are printed. This feature allows you to see exactly how your pages will look when they are printed. We can print directly from the Print Preview page by clicking on the print button or printer icon.
The correct answer is Bullets and Numbering. Bullets and Numbering feature of MS Word help to create a list in a document. To create a list in MS Word: Select the text required to format as a list. Click on the Bullets or Numbering drop-down option on the Home tab.
Select the bullet or numbering style required, and it will appear in the document. Additional Information Word wrap is a word processing feature that automatically transfers a word that has no insufficient space from the end of one line of text to the beginning of the next.
Scaling in MS Word is another text effect to make the text larger or smaller. The correct answer is Application Software. It allows users to type and save documents. It is helpful too for making documents. It is originally developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, it was first released in Additional Information Compiler: It is computer software that translates source code written in a high-level language e.
Compilers are very large programs, with error checking and other abilities. Operating System OS : It is software that acts as an interface between the end-user and computer hardware.
Every computer must have at least one OS to run other programs. OS helps to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s language. System Software: It refers to the files and programs that make up the computer’s operating system.
Auto correct Auto text Auto format Word wrap. The correct answer is Word wrap. Key Points Line breaking , also known as word wrapping , is breaking a section of text into lines so that it will fit into the available width of a page, window, or another display area.
In-text display, line wrap is continuing on a new line when a line is full, so that each line fits into the viewable window , allowing text to be read from top to bottom without any horizontal scrolling. Word wrap is the additional feature of most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of breaking lines between words rather than within words, where possible.
Additional Information Autocorrection , also known as text replacement , replace-as-you-type , or simply autocorrect, is an automatic data validation function commonly found in word processors and text editing interfaces for smartphones and tablet computers. The AutoFormat feature automatically formats a document as you type it by applying the associated styles to text.
Key Points Microsoft applications are the example of Application Software. Application software is software that performs specific tasks for an end-user. Application software is a type of computer program that performs a specific personal, educational, and business function. Additional Information System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application programs.
View tab Home tab Page Layout tab Insert tab. The correct answer is Page layout tab. Key Points Page Layout is located in the third tab of Ribbon. Page layout helps us to change the document orientation, page size, margins, indentation, line spacing and paragraph settings.
It has several groups like the theme, page layout, page background and paragraph. The Page Layout Tab allows you to arrange your document pages just the way we want them. Through this, we can marginalize, apply themes, page orientation, size, add sections and line breaks, display line numbers, and set paragraph indentation and lines. The functions of this tab are arranging document-level changes, arranging objects on a page, and generally changing the overall appearance of your document. The background is located on the Page setup group in the Page Layout tab where we can change the background of the sheet.
Formulas can be short and simple , such as adding two numbers, or long and complex. Formulas can include one or more of Excel’s built-in functions , and advanced users can even create their own functions. Key Points The Microsoft Word shortcut keys make it easier to do everything from save your document to undo a mistake.
Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. In This Article:. Question 1. You are finalizing a two-page memo. Instead of having word choose where page 1 closures you want to next passage to start on the head of page 2. How you do accomplish this? You can also insert a manual page break anytime you want to start a new page in your document.
Put your cursor where you want one page to end and the next to begin. Question 2. How do we insert the content of an existing word document into your current word document? There is a temptation to copy and paste if you want to insert a Word document into another Word document but there is a better way to handle it instead of copy and paste.
The good thing is that word now has a feature that would allow you to insert Word document into Word. Question 3. You need to set a wider inside margin to oblige binding a file where pages are printed on the both sides.
Which choice would it be advisable for you to pick in the page setup dialog box? Different odd and even pages Book Fold Mirror margin Landscape Show Answer Correct Answer is 3: Mirror margin Use mirror margins to set up facing pages for double-sided documents, such as books or magazines.
The margins of the left page are a mirror image of those on the right page That is, the inside margins are the same width and the outside margins are the same width. Question 4. Which feature let you place ghosted logo or text behind the regular text on your document?
Question 5. How do you select the paper size for a document? Depending on your project, you may need to adjust your document’s page size.
It’s important to note that before modifying the default page size, you should check to see which page sizes your printer can accommodate. In Europe, the A4 size is used. Question 6. Which option lets you mark your favorite templates for quick reuse in the future? Point to the template in the list of templates, and select the pin icon that appears below the thumbnail in the list of templates.
Word includes many professional-looking templates for you to choose from. To get started, select one and save it as a document. Question 7. How can you change the appearance of an entire table in single step?
Apply a cell style Right click a table and choose a new style Apply a graphic style Apply a table style Show Answer Correct Answer is 4: Apply a table style After you create a table, you can format the entire table by using Table Styles.
By resting your pointer over each of the preformatted table styles, you can preview what the table will look like. To see more styles, click the More arrow Button. Question 8. Searching for on will not find words such as onion. Match Case: Finds text that exactly matches the uppercase and lowercase letters you type.
Microsoft word 2016 questions and answers free download.Word 2016 test
Microsoft Word Certification Exam is a source of success, as it effectively leaps you forward in your career. Now pass Microsoft Word exam with Cert2pass expertly designed exam questions. You can purchase the Exams Bundle Pack at a discount to make learning easier. These office objective test questions answers include mcqs on paragraph, delete, save, undo etc. Go To Download Page Close 6 You specify the save details of your file in the. Oct 02, · Working with the Word interface. Microsoft Word continues to use features like the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar—where you will find commands to perform common tasks in Word—as well as Backstage view. Ribbon. Microsoft Word uses a Ribbon interface instead of traditional menus.