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Microsoft office word 2010 easter eggs free download

Oh yeah, for the nickname thing.. Hey, all you people who think this won’t work in windows ME, actually it is your video card, because my old card worked, but after a card upgrade I was trying it again, and it wouldn’t. Same thing for the Excel Flight Simulator.
There are two versions of Office 97 with two versions of Word. If you can do the pinball easter egg on your computer then you can’t do the sex in spell check. If you can do the sex in the spell check then you can’t do the pinball egg. What Do I Do? OK, this egg won’t work. Ignoring that fact, this is a quotation mark. I was shown this by a friend at school and it also works by typing in red and changing the color to red. Try it. Just about anything works! Hope this helps. It will work anyway!!!
Any way, the pinball game looks like an XT game, but it’s cute Doron Tsur, israel This is rather funny, well to me anyways. I already named something i typed blue. I didn’t know it was the name to an egg! Screw this egg. I got it working a couple of months ago, but when I tried it again it didn’t work. I’m still using the same operating system and the same copy of Word. Don’t bother with this one, it probably won’t work for you DON’T try this egg.
I tried it and it after a minute or so, it caused one of those “Illegal operation” errors. About this egg changing the colors and resolutions etc: When I did this the first couple of times, it screwed up my computer.
I have Windows 98 2nd ed. Everything I opened did function properly, however, I could only see half of my desktop or any other programs. I don’t know particularly which caused the problems. I did have to reboot all 3 times. If that doesn’t work, and you are typing it all correctly Blue”” then, I can’t help. Hopefully, this will help though. First: Can’t anyone see that it’s “Blue ” and then anything else??? Second: On SP1 prepacked with a Dell computer, it worked. On original, it didn’t.
It must have something to do with Novell – on a Novell computer it also flashed black then went back. Using Windows 98 and Word 97 SE2, here’s what happened. If eggs like this or the Excel flight simulator are causing your computer to crash, it’s not the egg’s fault so much as it is the extra resources that running those particular eggs takes up – your computer’s run low on resources, that’s all.
It’s random. That’s the whole point. Not the document. It is a LOT worse than that because it only has 4 bumpers and a pair of flippers on the table. Sorry for being rude on my other comment, but I was on a kiosk and didn’t have much time. I have SP1 and it always works.
Also: I am almost ready to make a game myself that will be better than that one and I don’t think it’ll take me more than a few hours. I am not a superexperienced programmer. Hey, this egg works just fine! Cool, huh? Ok, so you’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to work.
When trying this egg, print out the instructions and do it without switching applications or making a mistake, it could be that the egg is slightly sensitive. Cheat Dude writes:. That control alt shift on the divideing line stuffs up your computer!
Me and my friends know this one, and it’s very picky to get working. Stin Keypoo writes:. I got ity to work on my school computer but it won’t work on my computer at home or any other computer I have tried it on. It is a pretty pathetic game any way and the only fun in it is getting the game to work. There are a lot of people out there i.
Corrector and supersteve are both wrong. Not only do i have SP2, but I can also get the sex in the spell checker and the pinball game, with the regular instructions. By the way, Koen, it works for me, and I have Windows Professional.
Believe me – it does work, but the ‘game’ itself is not very impressive, just very cool that such a program could be hidden within. This thing actually does work but after you type in the word blue and change the colour to blue and the style to bold you put in a space then the quotations then another space so it looks like this: Blue “” And the icon is the little W over the piece of paper in the corner! It does work people, I just did it like 10 times!
Secondly, john pepper must have a small mind. Why do you think that flipping a coin is even used? To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that complement each other.
For example, you can add a matching cover page, header, and sidebar. Click Insert and then choose the elements you want from the different galleries. Themes and styles also help keep your document coordinated. When you click Design and choose a new Theme, the pictures, charts, and SmartArt graphics change to match your new theme.
When you apply styles, your headings change to match the new theme. Save time in Word with new buttons that show up where you need them. To change the way a picture fits in your document, click it and a button for layout options appears next to it. When you work on a table, click where you want to add a row or a column, and then click the plus sign. Reading is easier, too, in the new Reading view.
You can collapse parts of the document and focus on the text you want. If you need to stop reading before you reach the end, Word remembers where you left off – even on another device. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.
Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci. When “N” is larger than 27, the function begins to repeat itself. In Microsoft Word , when dark mode is enabled, the picture icon in the insert tab replaces the sun with a moon.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Overview of Easter eggs in Microsoft products. See also: Undocumented feature. Larry Osterman’s WebLog. MSDN Blogs. Document Recovery Services OfficeRecovery. Many of the certification tests are free. They make money by selling courses that can assist someone in taking the tests and presumably in using the software.
This is a status which is applied for and requires a contribution to their user forums as well as a very high test score and impressive resume. The MVP designation used in the Microsoft newsgroups is based on long-term helpful contributions in the Microsoft peer-to-peer support newsgroups.
The Microsoft MVPs are not Microsoft employees but rather volunteers who have considerable expertise. The Microsoft Word newsgroups can be found under the classification:. The news groups above are ones that I subscribe to and that formed the basis for most of the answers in this FAQ.
Thoughts of the MVPs about which news group is best for which question. Missing from this is one newsgroup that is used by many but is not on the microsoft server but used to be :. It can still be found on many servers, including at google.
Unlike the offical newsgroups, this one is not reviewed often by many of the MVPs. To a large extent it has been replaced by newusers. You shouldn’t use the word. I think at least two more are needed: one on templates and one on forms.
Note that userforms are a distinct part of vba programming and have no real relationship to word ” forms ,” which are documents that have special fields and have to be “protected” to be useful. My apologies to users of browsers other than Explorer for the huge text below.
I use FrontPage for my web editor and for some reason I don’t understand, the text below becomes huge in Firefox, and probably other browsers. There have been two and a half Service Releases for Word Here is some info on how to obtain them:. There are two Service Releases for Word Here is info on what is fixed in the service release and on how to obtain it:.
Charles Kenyon with input and suggestions from many on the Microsoft Newsgroups and at Woody’s Lounge Click here to skip past FAQ questions list and other info and go directly to the start of this topic. General Word Issues. Formatting and Layout. Drawing and Graphics. Tables, Fields and Forms.
Application Errors. Word for the Macintosh. Customization customisation. Office Inter-Development. Template Basics – What is a template? Create a Template Part 1 – Suzanne S. Microsoft Word Templates by John C. Hill – a class handout at University of Virgina – a basic starting place – introduction to templates. Steele ABA. Template Manager – commercial product for managing templates in networked environment. Getting to templates using a menu. Hyperlinks to templates that create new documents instead of opening the template.
Extensive use of tables, cross-references, calculated fields. Public Defender Transcript Request Form – Wisconsin based on printed form – wild layout of fields using tables, some use of bookmarks, use of exit macros to control tab order. On this site :. Also uses FillIn fields to show the differences. One tutorial is a template, the other is a document.
Contains macros that update REF fields in headers and footers. Contains macros that update only certain types of fields. Checkbox Add-In – Lets you put active checkboxes in your documents without protecting them as forms! Designed as a tutorial with macros that you can read. You can use this as an Add-In and give this capability to all your documents or copy the components to your other templates for use in individual documents.
Now with a? Letterhead – This is a system for self-updating letter forms. The idea is to have letterhead components stored in one location and have letter forms reference that location when used so that form letters will have the latest letterhead information. If you are generating your letterhead on the computer or if your letter forms need to accommodate pre-printed letterhead, you should look at this! Even if you don’t use the system itself, it should give you good ideas.
Use with the Letterhead Textbox and Styles Tutorial – Two-page tutorial that demonstrates use of textboxes to change margins and reserve space for preprinted letterhead, use of styles and features of styles such as “based on” and “style for following paragraph”, different first page headers, and using the StyleRef field to pick up information from the body of the letter for the continuation-page header.
Shows interaction of styles and how to use a hidden Page field in one document to get continuous page numbering of separate documents – three methods shown for hiding the Page field! Also demonstrates weird interaction of headers and footers in source document. Nested Tables samples shows differences between Word 97 and Word tables and how they act when translated from Word to Word 97 – and what to do about it.
How to get pseudo-nested tables in Word FileName and Path Templates -. Different Page Numbering in Header and Footer demonstration -. User Forms – one page showing a basic UserForm that verifies entries and uses bookmarks for insertion of the information gathered by the UserForm in the document. Just to make things a bit more confusing, this is in the context of a protected form. Yes, this tutorial uses both a UserForm and a protected “online” form. Example of how you can build custom toolbars to meet your needs, and useful as-is.
Use as an Add-In or copy code and toolbar to your own global template. Disables Web toolbar and provides menu command for you to view the toolbar when you want to.
Understanding Styles – Styles are at the heart of how Word handles formatting. If you don’t understand styles, you’ll be fighting with Word when it could be helping you. Here’s the Title Text with an even Darker Shadow. Both Text Boxes will have to be Rotated. The Text needs to be given a White Fill. And the Text Boxes should be made Transparent. The Space between the Lines of Text is a bit wide. From the drop down menu select 1. Now the Flyer just needs to be Saved. This opens the Save As Window where you can select the location for your file, give it a File Name and click the Save button.
If you are new to Microsoft Word, I hope this tutorial shed some light on some of the many functions of the Microsoft Word Interface. Thank you for visiting! Want more Word Tutorials? Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors’ Picks All Ebooks. Explore Audiobooks. Bestsellers Editors’ Picks All audiobooks. Explore Magazines. Editors’ Picks All magazines.
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Download now. Jump to Page. Search inside document. Release the Cursor to see the change to the shape. This opens a drop down menu with options for Rotation. Select Flip Vertical. This will open the Insert Picture Window. Locate your file and click the Insert button at the bottom of the window. And now you have a much larger Image to work with. The Image now faces the other direction. In the Adjust Group, select Artistic Effects. Within the same Adjust Group, select the Color Icon.
Now you have some beautiful Colors applied to the Easter Eggs. Egg 4 row 5 is Trellis.
Microsoft office word 2010 easter eggs free download.Learn about the Easter Eggs in Microsoft Word – Bright Hub
BanjoMario writes:. I have Word 97 and Windows I just followed the steps and it works. Most computers for home have SR2, so it should work unless you have a business version, free-with-the-computer-package deal version, etc. Mike the Omnipotent writes:. This works with all of the colors Word has as long as red is red, black is black , auto is automatic etc. Does this work for word because I tried it many times and it didn’t work!
It worked every time using this method: 1. I try this and the game starts for about one second but than it closes and my computer is all glitch-ed out. The colors are messed up and the power bar is gone. The only way to fix it is to push the restart button. I hope this won’t have any long-term effects on my computer. I think it’s cause I have windows ME.
Jim Laflin writes:. I think this thing really works because my friends have all told me about it and I know they didn’t get it from this web site! The Phantom writes:. This has worked for me on W98 but i haven’t tried it on W It only work if you are working with Windows 95 not 98 that statement’s wrong.. I have windows 98 and it worked for me. Oh yeah, for the nickname thing..
Hey, all you people who think this won’t work in windows ME, actually it is your video card, because my old card worked, but after a card upgrade I was trying it again, and it wouldn’t. Same thing for the Excel Flight Simulator. There are two versions of Office 97 with two versions of Word. If you can do the pinball easter egg on your computer then you can’t do the sex in spell check.
If you can do the sex in the spell check then you can’t do the pinball egg. What Do I Do? OK, this egg won’t work. Ignoring that fact, this is a quotation mark. I was shown this by a friend at school and it also works by typing in red and changing the color to red. Try it. Just about anything works! Hope this helps. It will work anyway!!! Any way, the pinball game looks like an XT game, but it’s cute Doron Tsur, israel This is rather funny, well to me anyways.
I already named something i typed blue. I didn’t know it was the name to an egg! Screw this egg. I got it working a couple of months ago, but when I tried it again it didn’t work. I’m still using the same operating system and the same copy of Word. Don’t bother with this one, it probably won’t work for you DON’T try this egg. I tried it and it after a minute or so, it caused one of those “Illegal operation” errors.
About this egg changing the colors and resolutions etc: When I did this the first couple of times, it screwed up my computer. I have Windows 98 2nd ed. Everything I opened did function properly, however, I could only see half of my desktop or any other programs.
I don’t know particularly which caused the problems. I did have to reboot all 3 times. If that doesn’t work, and you are typing it all correctly Blue”” then, I can’t help. Hopefully, this will help though. First: Can’t anyone see that it’s “Blue ” and then anything else??? Second: On SP1 prepacked with a Dell computer, it worked. On original, it didn’t. It must have something to do with Novell – on a Novell computer it also flashed black then went back.
Using Windows 98 and Word 97 SE2, here’s what happened. If eggs like this or the Excel flight simulator are causing your computer to crash, it’s not the egg’s fault so much as it is the extra resources that running those particular eggs takes up – your computer’s run low on resources, that’s all.
It’s random. That’s the whole point. Not the document. It is a LOT worse than that because it only has 4 bumpers and a pair of flippers on the table. Sorry for being rude on my other comment, but I was on a kiosk and didn’t have much time. I have SP1 and it always works.
Also: I am almost ready to make a game myself that will be better than that one and I don’t think it’ll take me more than a few hours. I am not a superexperienced programmer. Press the space bar after the Word. Go to the Help menu and select About. Hold the Ctrl and Shift keys down, and then simultaneously left-click the Word banner. When the game starts, use the Z key to control the flipper on the left and the M key for the one on the right.
Press the Esc key to end the game. It is hard to stumble across this Easter egg by accident because you have to type in a formula. Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member.
Easter eggs would any body please provide a list of windows 10 software easter eggs. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. User Independent Advisor. This one was just irresistible. Even a month and a week after it was intended to be.
You proved yourself ‘a wise man’. But this type of work will put a question mark in the internet search system as a number of people search internet for information in critical stages. I happened to Google this page today April 1st Nice one! Very good. That will teach me to look at the rest of the page before diving in. It did make laugh by the way. Try this one. Name required. Mail will not be published required. Notify me of when new comments are posted via e-mail. One email per week with Excel and Power BI goodness.
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