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Page 93 Web or other ImageReady. Otherwise, it will be lost if you create a Page Setting Preferences Numerous program settings are stored in Adobe To rename presets contained in a library: Photoshop 6 Prefs. Adobe Photoshop 6 Settings folder. Page Getting Images Into Chapter 2: Getting Images into Photoshop and ImageReady ou can get digital images from a variety of Bitmap images are the most common electronic sources—you can create new images, medium for continuous-tone images, such as import them from another graphics appli- photographs or digital paintings, because they can cation, or capture them using a digital camera.
In Photoshop, an image with a low resolution. Image resolution thus becomes a produce different results when you resize an compromise between image quality capturing all image.
Page CHAPTER 2 Getting Images into Photoshop and ImageReady If you turn on resampling for the image, you can To maintain the current proportions of image change print dimensions and resolution indepen- width to image height, select Constrain Propor- dently and change the total number of pixels in tions.
Systems Incorporated. If you have problems with scanning, make sure that you are using the latest For Screen, enter the screen frequency for the version of the appropriate scanner driver.
Adobe Acrobat. Page Placing Files Constrain Proportions. By default, these options represent scale as a Open the Photoshop image into which you percentage; Saturation repre- they are also called additive colors. Each pair of subtractive the three channels translate to 24 8 x 3 bits of colors creates an additive color, and vice versa. When vary, depending on the printing conditions.
Common values for bit Every Adobe Photoshop image has one or more depth range from 1 to 64 bits per pixel. In addition, only the Page Converting To Indexed Color Photoshop CHAPTER 3 Working with Color Converting to indexed color Applying colors Photoshop Once you have set up the color mode for an image, you can specify a foreground and background Converting to indexed color reduces the color by using the eyedropper tool, the Color number of colors in the image to at most — For example, a variety of color standards set by clients and RGB spaces can exist among scanners and designers, viewing and editing color monitors, and a variety of CMYK spaces can exist consistently becomes critical, all the way from among printing presses.
These settings can also serve as starting the Color Settings dialog box. The working spaces Photoshop 4. For a newly created document, the color another action.
To share custom color settings between lighting conditions of your work station. Turn anti-aliasing on or off for the rounded Do one of the following: rectangle or elliptical marquee. To preview the selection in the image window, You can drag a selection border partly ImageReady beyond the canvas boundaries.
When you drag If you create a slice in ImageReady, it can be it back, the original border reappears intact. Make a selection. Using any selection tool, do one of the You can use this option to select an object placed following: against a solid-colored background.
Select a Enter a value for the Feather Radius, and tool to display its options bar. You must specify click OK. If you have You can move or copy selections and layers within selected multiple areas, all move as you drag.
Use the Image Size To create multiple copies of a selection within an image: command to make the source and destination images the same resolution before copying and Select the move tool , or hold down Ctrl pasting.
Page Drawing And Editing Chapter 6: Drawing and Editing he drawing tools let you create and edit Working with shapes provides several advantages: vector shapes.
Keep in mind the following differences when using Select the rectangle tool , rounded rectangle the drawing tools in Photoshop and ImageReady: tool , ellipse tool , or line tool ; When using a shape tool, pixels with the surrounding pixels. Select Start, End, or both to specify as a star.
Enter a percentage in the text box to on which end of the line arrows are rendered. The saved shape appears in the Shape pop-up palette. Anchor points are position the pointer where you want the next added automatically as you draw.
When this option is path, and drag. To select or deselect a path in the palette: Because they take up less disk space than pixel- Do one of the following It can contain more than one distinct endpoints for example, a wavy line. Hold down Shift as you the points or segments you want to move. Page OK. Page CHAPTER 6 Drawing and Editing To add an anchor point: To convert between a smooth point and a corner point: Select the add anchor point tool , and Select the convert anchor point tool , position the pointer on the path where you want and position the pointer over the anchor point the anchor point added a plus sign appears next you want changed.
Because of their smooth outlines, you can convert Enter a new name in the Rename Path dialog paths into precise selection borders. Filling a path is the same as creating a rasterized shape using the shape tools. DCS 2. When the heavy You can select one or more channels in the black line appears in the position you want, Channels palette. Type a name for the new image.
The new image channels you want to merge, and make one of the appears in an untitled window. If needed, rename the channel. If you select a custom color, your print service provider can more easily provide the proper ink to Select Spot Color. Photoshop Note: In some cases, such as varnish and bump You can use the blending effects associated with plates, you may want colors to overprint.
This is Select Invert to use the negative of the channel a good way to combine nonoverlapping images in contents in the calculation. For Channel, choose two channels. Gray to get the same effect as would be obtained by converting the image to a grayscale image. Painting with white mode to add to or subtract from it to make the removes areas from the mask, expanding the mask. Alternatively, create the mask entirely in selection. Use a painting or editing tool to paint in the image.
Paint with black to add to the channel, paint with By default, the selection is saved in a new channel. Page Using Layers Chapter 8: Using Layers hen you create, import, or scan an you can see through to the layers below. You can drag Choose Palette Options from the Layers palette through the eye column next to the layers or layer menu.
This option requires set you want to move. Newly added layers and layer sets appear above the selected layer in the Layers palette. By creating new layers or converting selections Then click OK. Page CHAPTER 8 Using Layers To copy a layer or layer set between images: To copy multiple layers or layer sets into another image: Make sure that both the source and destination Make sure that both the source and destination images are open.
Layers can be grouped into layer sets. Layer sets When the highlighted line appears in the desired allow you to easily move the layers as a group, location, release the mouse button.
As you select names from the left column, the options on the right change. However, it stops just Photoshop , choose one of the knockout options: below the base of the clipping group when Blend Clipped Layers as Group is not selected. Page CHAPTER 8 Using Layers image, for example, you can choose to exclude the To specify the scope of blend effects: Red channel from blending, and change in the Select the layer that you want to affect such as composite image only the channel information the bottom layer of a clipping group.
Layer styles are linked to custom layer style, or click the name of the layer the layer contents. When you move or edit the effect to select it and to display its options in the contents on the layer, the layer style applied to that dialog box. Page CHAPTER 8 Using Layers If you create a new layer style using the New Item Specifying options for layer styles button, New Style menu command, or Layer Style When customizing layer styles, you can specify a dialog box, all effects on the current layer are number of options for each effect contained in the included in the new layer style.
The Style create a bevel on the inside edges of the layer position can be reset with the Snap to Origin contents, Outer Bevel to create a bevel on the button. You can obscure an entire layer or layer set, or just a selected part of it, using a mask or a layer After creating a layer mask, you can use the clipping path. Page Layer Mask Display Options dialog box, and choose a new color.
Option-click the layer mask thumbnail, or click To change the opacity, enter a value between an eye icon. You can Pattern the Layer menu. You can rasterize an to specify the size of the pattern. To conserve disk space, any layers and channels. Select the layer set. Depending on how you and precision. You can enter and edit Vertical to enter type vertically. While Select a type layer that has warping applied to it. Triple-click a line to select it. Page CID font into the local Fonts folder, the font for type is points.
One PostScript point is equal to appears in Adobe applications only. Character palette menu. A check mark indicates A positive value moves horizontal type above that the option is selected. Choose Rotate Character from the Character palette menu. A check mark indicates that the To show the Paragraph palette: option is selected.
In addition, it includes GoLive 5. However, format to support an animation, but the rest of the the appearance of an image on the Web depends image is better optimized in JPEG format, you can on the operating system, color display system, isolate the animation using a slice. Auto-slices are regenerated Drag over the area where you want to create a every time you add or edit user-slices or slice.
Shift-drag to constrain the slice to a square. User-slices, layer-based slices, Alt-drag Windows or Option-drag Mac OS to and auto-slices look different—user-slices and Start by placing the Select an auto-slice.
In ImageReady, you can rollover element on a separate layer, and then select multiple slices. Under Numbers and Symbols, select a size for There are fewer options for modifying layer-based display symbols: slices and auto-slices; Select two or more slices.
The duplicate slice appears on top of the original In ImageReady, you can align user-slices with the top, bottom, left, right, or middle. Double-click a slice with the slice select tool. If you are working in Photoshop, image in a browser to view the effect of selecting a double-click the slice with the slice select tool to background color.
If you are working in Photoshop, double-click the slice with the slice select tool to The Dimensions options let you set the exact display the Slice Options dialog box. If you Alignment section of the dialog box.
The dither pattern maps ImageReady is applied across adjacent slice boundaries to Image maps enable you to link an area of an image prevent the appearance of seams between the to a URL. Select a layer-based image map area using the To change the color of image map lines, choose image map select tool.
In the Dimensions area of the Image Map Select one or more image map areas you want to arrange. You can select a combination of In the Layer Image Map section of the Image tool-based image map areas and layer-based image Map palette, choose an option from the shape You can distribute tool-based image map areas evenly along the vertical or horizontal axis. In the Image Map palette, enter a new name in the Name text box.
You can then use the Layers automatically adjust to encompass the new pixels. For example, for the Web page in order for the Custom rollover position the mouse over the rollover slice or image option to function. The thumbnail preview displays the effects in the Rollover styles simplify rollover creation by Normal state. Options pop-up menu. Page Creating Animations Chapter Creating Animations ImageReady dobe ImageReady provides a powerful, Working with layers is an essential part of creating easy way to create multiple-frame animations in ImageReady.
Placing each element animations from a single document. For example, adding an animation animation. Mac OS a frame to deselect it. When Select Delete Animation from the Animation you paste frames into the same image, using this palette menu. Choose a value from the pop-up menu. Files can be in any and in the Layers palette as layers, with each layer format that ImageReady supports. You can the Web or other online media.
Because it discards data, JPEG compression format. By default, named settings are format saved in the Optimized Settings folder, inside the Presets folder in the Adobe Photoshop folder.
JPEG is the standard format for compressing continuous-tone images such as photographs. Click OK. The Optimized Options control on the Optimize palette tab. Page 83 You can also specify the area sampled by the eyedropper tool. For example, you can set the The Info palette and the Adobe Color Picker let eyedropper to sample the color values of a you display color values using a number of color 3-bypixel area under the pointer. Page 84 Color Picker to select the color you want to add.
Position the pointer over an empty space in the Using the Adobe Color Picker Changing views of the palette You can use the Adobe Color Picker to select the You can change the view of the palette to display foreground or background color by choosing from swatches in different ways. Page 86 Any color you pick with Specifying a color using numeric values this option selected is Web-safe.
If you choose An image have corrected the overall color balance of your with full tonal range has a high number of pixels in image, you can make optional adjustments to all areas. By default, Shows the total number of pixels corre You can use the image are mapped to ; pixels with lower middle Input slider to change the intensity values intensity values are mapped to corresponding of the middle range of gray tones without dramat- lighter values.
Drag the slider to the right to darken the midtones; drag it to the left to Select the eyedropper tool, and choose 3 by 3 lighten the midtones. If color components, it helps to keep a diagram of a color channel is selected in the Levels dialog box, the color wheel on hand.
You can use the color Moving the slider one The Variations command lets you adjust the color tick mark doubles the adjustment amount. Page When you apply this command, areas of an image. Page About Selections Chapter 5: Selecting o modify part of an image in Adobe isolating color areas with the magic wand tool.
Hold down Shift as you drag to constrain Select a marquee tool: the marquee to a square or circle. A higher value detects only edges segment, double-click, press Enter or Return, or that contrast sharply with their surroundings; You can move a selection border around an image, hide a selection border, and invert a selection so Since only the Enter a value for the Feather Radius, and edge pixels change, no detail is lost.
If you have You can move or copy selections and layers within selected multiple areas, all move as you drag. Photoshop Elements applications prompts you when vector artwork will be The drag-and-drop feature lets you copy and rasterized. To cut is pasted. Page Transforming And Retouching Chapter 6: Transforming and Retouching ou can transform and retouch images in If necessary, select the Shield cropped area many ways.
For example, you can manip- option to show the cropping shield. You can crop seamless, panoramic image from multiple an image by decreasing the canvas area. If larger than 2 megapixels. Click Add in the Photomerge dialog box. Page Because of differences in the work area: perspective, the pieces may not line up exactly. For a wider Select the Use Perspective option.
You may want to create Note: If a type or shape layer is selected, you must You work with a preview image of the current simplify the layer before proceeding. A bounding box appears in transform.
Page CHAPTER 6 Transforming and Retouching To scale a layer, selection, or shape: Skewing, distorting, and applying perspective to layers, selections, and Select the layer, area, or shape you want to shapes transform.
This option is useful when you Select the sponge tool. Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in the options bar. The paint builds up Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in along the edges of the brush stroke.
You can choose to erase contiguous pixels a layer to transparency as you drag; A low tolerance limits erasure to areas that are very tool similar to the sampled color. A high tolerance The impressionist brush tool lets you paint with erases a broader range of colors. Page Customizing Brush Libraries In Photoshop Elements, you can save libraries, For Spacing, enter a value or drag the slider to load, replace, save, rename brushes in libraries, Set the brush options as described palette menu.
Page Preset Manager. Type a value that is a percentage of the brush diameter. This mode works only in layers with editing tools Lock Transparency deselected and is analogous to You set options for a painting or editing tool in the painting on the back of transparent areas in a sheet options bar for that tool.
The effect is similar channel and selects the base or blend color— to shining a diffused spotlight on the image. Page Photoshop Elements. Page Choose a color, and click OK. Specify a blending mode and opacity for the paint. Page Click a style to apply it to the shape layer. Transforming shapes You can also paint a border around a selection or a You can alter a shape by applying transformations layer. Page Creating And Editing Patterns This In addition to using the libraries of patterns allows you to create a softer border than one provided with Photoshop Elements, you can created using the Stroke layer style.
The Stroke create your own custom patterns. Page Feather must be set to 0 px. Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Deselect the rectangle. Page Using Layers About layers When you create, import, or scan an image in Photoshop Elements, the image consists of a single layer.
However, if you plan to add different elements to your image, layers will make your task a lot easier. In the Layers palette, select the layer that you want to move. For Grid Size, choose a pattern size. By default, the transparent areas of a document appear as a Drag the layer up or down in the Layers palette. The copied Duplicate Layer from the Layers palette menu. For Select the Document Sizes option in the status bar. If a setting is dimmed, it is not Scaling applies only to shadow distance, outer present in the effect you are using, and therefore glow size, inner glow size, and bevel size.
You can fully or partially lock layers to protect their contents. When a layer is locked, a lock Note: For type and shape layers, transparency is displays to the right of the layer name. The name of the base layer in the position the pointer over the line separating two Page For more information on creating then click OK. If variety of backgrounds and textures. You might necessary, exit from other applications to make then blur these textures.
For value from the displacement map—0 is the example, using a parabola-shaped displacement maximum negative shift, is the maximum map, you can create an image that appears to be positive shift, and a gray value of produces no Specify the Shear the upper left or lower right, Out From Center curve by dragging the line in the box to form a displaces pixels toward or away from the center of curve for the distortion.
This blur- possible that eliminates defects. You can images, often for a 3D effect. Page Lighting Effects Filter For information on choosing a location. Shift-drag to keep the angle constant and change only the size of the ellipse.
Page Using Type in the options bar. For best vertical type tool. As a result, variety of shapes; for example, you can warp type the edges of the type blend into the background.
The range of available type styles varies with hold down Shift and press the Right Arrow or Left each font. The type size determines how large the type appears in the image. The default unit of Select a unit of measurement for Type.
Photoshop Elements provides several options for working with Asian type. Asian fonts are often referred to as double-byte fonts or CJK fonts. The character itself is is a block of horizontal type laid out within a not stretched or squeezed as a result. When mojikumi is off, full-width spacing is applied to these characters. When mojikumi is on, half-width spacing is applied to these characters.
You images for effective Web publishing can also use the layers in your original image to results. You can select a modem speed in original and optimized images in the Save For Web the Preview pop-up menu.
See Windows monitor. You can choose a continuous-tone images such as photographs. Page Selective is the the frequency of colors in the image. Choose Auto default option.
You can choose To control application dither: a dithering pattern to be applied to the image. Page You can save custom You can preview browser dither directly in dither patterns in groups called collections, and use Photoshop Elements or in a browser that uses an the dither patterns with other images. Photoshop Elements animation options as the Save for Web dialog box. Photoshop Elements using the Open command. Each layer Saving optimized images corresponds to one frame.
Photoshop Elements provides a variety of styles Then do the following: for your gallery, which you can select using the Web Photo Gallery command.
Adobe photoshop elements 6 user guide free download
In addition to basic edits such as repositioning or applying geometric changes to a selection, you can create an unlimited variety of special effects using the Filter commands. Duplicating a selection Rotating a selection The transformation commands let you make geometric changes—such as Page Using Layers Adobe Photoshop Basics Using layers Layers provide a powerful way for you to organize and manage the various components of your image. For example, by placing an element on a separate layer, you can easily edit and arrange the element without interfering with other parts of the image.
This feature is especially useful for creating Web buttons and rollover states. First, duplicate the layer containing the desired area, and select the duplicate layer in the Layers palette. Page Painting Adobe Photoshop Basics Painting and drawing Painting Painting in Photoshop or ImageReady is as easy as choosing a color, selecting a tool, choosing a brush tip, and dragging in the image to paint. The various painting tools are modeled after styles of traditional paint media.
Page Drawing Shapes The shape tools let you draw crisp-edged shapes of various dimensions and colors. You can enter and preview type directly in an image, as well as specify a full range of formatting options.
Type is automatically added to a new layer. In addition, you can apply special warp effects to the shape of type and make global edits to type layers. New capabilities include integrated vector-drawing tools to extend your creative range, expanded tools and features for Web-production tasks, and numerous interface enhancements to help you get to work quickly and use the Photoshop and ImageReady features more fully.
With these new tools, you can incorporate resolution-independent, vector-based graphics and type along with pixel-based images to achieve an unparalleled range of design effects. Layer styles Photoshop 6. Layer effects and styles update automatically as you edit your image and are particularly useful for designing type, buttons, and banners.
To add effects to a layer, you simply check each one you want in the list and specify appropriate settings. An image that includes solid colors, text, and photographic images, for example, looks best with different settings applied to different areas. Page Weighted Optimization ImageReady or Photoshop to compile the sliced pieces and update edits you make to the image.
Now, when you select a tool in the toolbox, all the options that control its behavior are easily Options bar accessible in a context-sensitive options bar. Now you can create hundreds of layers in an image to help arrange elements in an intricate composition.
The new Character and Paragraph palettes make it easy to choose formatting options for your type. Page 62 Photoshop even supports the next generation of Adobe composition engines, offering you a choice of the every-line and single-line composers. The every- line composer sets multiple lines of text in relation to each other to ensure optimal line breaks, while the single-line composer handles one line of text at a time.
Page Preset Manager Photoshop 6. Once you load a library in the Preset Manager, it becomes available whenever its elements are used in Photoshop—in the options bar, the Styles palette, the Gradient Editor dialog box, Position the pointer on the visible tool and With all tools except the move tool, annotation hold down the mouse button until the hidden tools, and the type tool, you can switch to precise A list of open The window controls let you change the screen windows appears in the Window menu.
Page 76 In Photoshop, you can also use the Navigator For more information on choosing colors, palette to quickly change the view of an image. To view another area of an image: Click OK. When the image has Select the zoom tool. For Use, choose History, and click OK. Older states are automatically deleted to free more memory for Photoshop. Using the Photoshop Undo command lets you undo only one step and The Snapshot command lets you make a state.
Double-click the snapshot and enter a name. The measure tool calculates the distance between any two points in the work area. When you Do one of the following Page 93 Web or other ImageReady. Otherwise, it will be lost if you create a Page Setting Preferences Numerous program settings are stored in Adobe To rename presets contained in a library: Photoshop 6 Prefs.
Adobe Photoshop 6 Settings folder. Page Getting Images Into Chapter 2: Getting Images into Photoshop and ImageReady ou can get digital images from a variety of Bitmap images are the most common electronic sources—you can create new images, medium for continuous-tone images, such as import them from another graphics appli- photographs or digital paintings, because they can cation, or capture them using a digital camera.
In Photoshop, an image with a low resolution. Image resolution thus becomes a produce different results when you resize an compromise between image quality capturing all image.
Page CHAPTER 2 Getting Images into Photoshop and ImageReady If you turn on resampling for the image, you can To maintain the current proportions of image change print dimensions and resolution indepen- width to image height, select Constrain Propor- dently and change the total number of pixels in tions. Systems Incorporated.
If you have problems with scanning, make sure that you are using the latest For Screen, enter the screen frequency for the version of the appropriate scanner driver.
Adobe Acrobat. Page Placing Files Constrain Proportions. By default, these options represent scale as a Open the Photoshop image into which you percentage; Saturation repre- they are also called additive colors.
Each pair of subtractive the three channels translate to 24 8 x 3 bits of colors creates an additive color, and vice versa. When vary, depending on the printing conditions. Common values for bit Every Adobe Photoshop image has one or more depth range from 1 to 64 bits per pixel.
In addition, only the Page Converting To Indexed Color Photoshop CHAPTER 3 Working with Color Converting to indexed color Applying colors Photoshop Once you have set up the color mode for an image, you can specify a foreground and background Converting to indexed color reduces the color by using the eyedropper tool, the Color number of colors in the image to at most — For example, a variety of color standards set by clients and RGB spaces can exist among scanners and designers, viewing and editing color monitors, and a variety of CMYK spaces can exist consistently becomes critical, all the way from among printing presses.
These settings can also serve as starting the Color Settings dialog box. The working spaces Photoshop 4. For a newly created document, the color another action. To share custom color settings between lighting conditions of your work station.
Turn anti-aliasing on or off for the rounded Do one of the following: rectangle or elliptical marquee. To preview the selection in the image window, You can drag a selection border partly ImageReady beyond the canvas boundaries. When you drag If you create a slice in ImageReady, it can be it back, the original border reappears intact. Make a selection. Using any selection tool, do one of the You can use this option to select an object placed following: against a solid-colored background.
Select a Enter a value for the Feather Radius, and tool to display its options bar. You must specify click OK. If you have You can move or copy selections and layers within selected multiple areas, all move as you drag.
Use the Image Size To create multiple copies of a selection within an image: command to make the source and destination images the same resolution before copying and Select the move tool , or hold down Ctrl pasting. Page Drawing And Editing Chapter 6: Drawing and Editing he drawing tools let you create and edit Working with shapes provides several advantages: vector shapes.
Keep in mind the following differences when using Select the rectangle tool , rounded rectangle the drawing tools in Photoshop and ImageReady: tool , ellipse tool , or line tool ; When using a shape tool, pixels with the surrounding pixels.
Select Start, End, or both to specify as a star. Enter a percentage in the text box to on which end of the line arrows are rendered. The saved shape appears in the Shape pop-up palette. Anchor points are position the pointer where you want the next added automatically as you draw.
When this option is path, and drag. To select or deselect a path in the palette: Because they take up less disk space than pixel- Do one of the following It can contain more than one distinct endpoints for example, a wavy line. Hold down Shift as you the points or segments you want to move. Page OK. Page CHAPTER 6 Drawing and Editing To add an anchor point: To convert between a smooth point and a corner point: Select the add anchor point tool , and Select the convert anchor point tool , position the pointer on the path where you want and position the pointer over the anchor point the anchor point added a plus sign appears next you want changed.
Because of their smooth outlines, you can convert Enter a new name in the Rename Path dialog paths into precise selection borders. Filling a path is the same as creating a rasterized shape using the shape tools. DCS 2. When the heavy You can select one or more channels in the black line appears in the position you want, Channels palette.
Type a name for the new image. The new image channels you want to merge, and make one of the appears in an untitled window. If needed, rename the channel. If you select a custom color, your print service provider can more easily provide the proper ink to Select Spot Color.
Photoshop Note: In some cases, such as varnish and bump You can use the blending effects associated with plates, you may want colors to overprint. This is Select Invert to use the negative of the channel a good way to combine nonoverlapping images in contents in the calculation. For Channel, choose two channels. Gray to get the same effect as would be obtained by converting the image to a grayscale image.
Painting with white mode to add to or subtract from it to make the removes areas from the mask, expanding the mask. Alternatively, create the mask entirely in selection. Use a painting or editing tool to paint in the image. Paint with black to add to the channel, paint with By default, the selection is saved in a new channel. Page Using Layers Chapter 8: Using Layers hen you create, import, or scan an you can see through to the layers below.
You can drag Choose Palette Options from the Layers palette through the eye column next to the layers or layer menu. This option requires set you want to move. Newly added layers and layer sets appear above the selected layer in the Layers palette.
By creating new layers or converting selections Then click OK. Page CHAPTER 8 Using Layers To copy a layer or layer set between images: To copy multiple layers or layer sets into another image: Make sure that both the source and destination Make sure that both the source and destination images are open. Layers can be grouped into layer sets. Layer sets When the highlighted line appears in the desired allow you to easily move the layers as a group, location, release the mouse button.
As you select names from the left column, the options on the right change. However, it stops just Photoshop , choose one of the knockout options: below the base of the clipping group when Blend Clipped Layers as Group is not selected. Page CHAPTER 8 Using Layers image, for example, you can choose to exclude the To specify the scope of blend effects: Red channel from blending, and change in the Select the layer that you want to affect such as composite image only the channel information the bottom layer of a clipping group.
Layer styles are linked to custom layer style, or click the name of the layer the layer contents. When you move or edit the effect to select it and to display its options in the contents on the layer, the layer style applied to that dialog box. Page CHAPTER 8 Using Layers If you create a new layer style using the New Item Specifying options for layer styles button, New Style menu command, or Layer Style When customizing layer styles, you can specify a dialog box, all effects on the current layer are number of options for each effect contained in the included in the new layer style.
The Style create a bevel on the inside edges of the layer position can be reset with the Snap to Origin contents, Outer Bevel to create a bevel on the button. You can obscure an entire layer or layer set, or just a selected part of it, using a mask or a layer After creating a layer mask, you can use the clipping path.
Page Layer Mask Display Options dialog box, and choose a new color. Option-click the layer mask thumbnail, or click To change the opacity, enter a value between an eye icon. You can Pattern the Layer menu. You can rasterize an to specify the size of the pattern. To conserve disk space, any layers and channels. Select the layer set.
Depending on how you and precision. You can enter and edit Vertical to enter type vertically. While Select a type layer that has warping applied to it. Triple-click a line to select it. Page CID font into the local Fonts folder, the font for type is points. One PostScript point is equal to appears in Adobe applications only. Character palette menu. A check mark indicates A positive value moves horizontal type above that the option is selected.
Choose Rotate Character from the Character palette menu. A check mark indicates that the To show the Paragraph palette: option is selected. In addition, it includes GoLive 5. However, format to support an animation, but the rest of the the appearance of an image on the Web depends image is better optimized in JPEG format, you can on the operating system, color display system, isolate the animation using a slice.
Page Calibrating Your Monitor The parameters work just as they do on a television set. Page 77 When converting to indexed color, values of all three components are equal, the result Photoshop Elements builds a color lookup table is a shade of neutral gray. When the value of all CLUT , which stores and indexes the colors in the components is , the result is pure white; This Converting to indexed color reduces the option is useful for viewing images on a black- number of colors in the image to at most — Page 80 Previous colors from the RGB color cube.
For example, if previous conversion, making it easy to convert Photoshop Elements takes 6 evenly spaced color several images with the same custom palette. Choose a dither option from the menu, and enter a value for the dither amount. Page 83 You can also specify the area sampled by the eyedropper tool. For example, you can set the The Info palette and the Adobe Color Picker let eyedropper to sample the color values of a you display color values using a number of color 3-bypixel area under the pointer.
Page 84 Color Picker to select the color you want to add. Position the pointer over an empty space in the Using the Adobe Color Picker Changing views of the palette You can use the Adobe Color Picker to select the You can change the view of the palette to display foreground or background color by choosing from swatches in different ways. Page 86 Any color you pick with Specifying a color using numeric values this option selected is Web-safe.
If you choose An image have corrected the overall color balance of your with full tonal range has a high number of pixels in image, you can make optional adjustments to all areas. By default, Shows the total number of pixels corre You can use the image are mapped to ; pixels with lower middle Input slider to change the intensity values intensity values are mapped to corresponding of the middle range of gray tones without dramat- lighter values.
Drag the slider to the right to darken the midtones; drag it to the left to Select the eyedropper tool, and choose 3 by 3 lighten the midtones. If color components, it helps to keep a diagram of a color channel is selected in the Levels dialog box, the color wheel on hand. You can use the color Moving the slider one The Variations command lets you adjust the color tick mark doubles the adjustment amount.
Page When you apply this command, areas of an image. Page About Selections Chapter 5: Selecting o modify part of an image in Adobe isolating color areas with the magic wand tool.
Hold down Shift as you drag to constrain Select a marquee tool: the marquee to a square or circle. A higher value detects only edges segment, double-click, press Enter or Return, or that contrast sharply with their surroundings; You can move a selection border around an image, hide a selection border, and invert a selection so Since only the Enter a value for the Feather Radius, and edge pixels change, no detail is lost.
If you have You can move or copy selections and layers within selected multiple areas, all move as you drag. Photoshop Elements applications prompts you when vector artwork will be The drag-and-drop feature lets you copy and rasterized. To cut is pasted. Page Transforming And Retouching Chapter 6: Transforming and Retouching ou can transform and retouch images in If necessary, select the Shield cropped area many ways.
For example, you can manip- option to show the cropping shield. You can crop seamless, panoramic image from multiple an image by decreasing the canvas area. If larger than 2 megapixels. Click Add in the Photomerge dialog box. Page Because of differences in the work area: perspective, the pieces may not line up exactly. For a wider Select the Use Perspective option.
You may want to create Note: If a type or shape layer is selected, you must You work with a preview image of the current simplify the layer before proceeding. A bounding box appears in transform.
Page CHAPTER 6 Transforming and Retouching To scale a layer, selection, or shape: Skewing, distorting, and applying perspective to layers, selections, and Select the layer, area, or shape you want to shapes transform. This option is useful when you Select the sponge tool. Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in the options bar. The paint builds up Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in along the edges of the brush stroke.
You can choose to erase contiguous pixels a layer to transparency as you drag; A low tolerance limits erasure to areas that are very tool similar to the sampled color. A high tolerance The impressionist brush tool lets you paint with erases a broader range of colors. Page Customizing Brush Libraries In Photoshop Elements, you can save libraries, For Spacing, enter a value or drag the slider to load, replace, save, rename brushes in libraries, Set the brush options as described palette menu.
Page Preset Manager. Type a value that is a percentage of the brush diameter. This mode works only in layers with editing tools Lock Transparency deselected and is analogous to You set options for a painting or editing tool in the painting on the back of transparent areas in a sheet options bar for that tool.
The effect is similar channel and selects the base or blend color— to shining a diffused spotlight on the image. Page Photoshop Elements. Page Choose a color, and click OK. Specify a blending mode and opacity for the paint.
Page Click a style to apply it to the shape layer. Transforming shapes You can also paint a border around a selection or a You can alter a shape by applying transformations layer.
Page Creating And Editing Patterns This In addition to using the libraries of patterns allows you to create a softer border than one provided with Photoshop Elements, you can created using the Stroke layer style. The Stroke create your own custom patterns. Page Feather must be set to 0 px. Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Deselect the rectangle. Page Using Layers About layers When you create, import, or scan an image in Photoshop Elements, the image consists of a single layer.
However, if you plan to add different elements to your image, layers will make your task a lot easier. In the Layers palette, select the layer that you want to move. For Grid Size, choose a pattern size. By default, the transparent areas of a document appear as a Drag the layer up or down in the Layers palette. The copied Duplicate Layer from the Layers palette menu. For Select the Document Sizes option in the status bar. If a setting is dimmed, it is not Scaling applies only to shadow distance, outer present in the effect you are using, and therefore glow size, inner glow size, and bevel size.
You can fully or partially lock layers to protect their contents. When a layer is locked, a lock Note: For type and shape layers, transparency is displays to the right of the layer name. The name of the base layer in the position the pointer over the line separating two Page For more information on creating then click OK. If variety of backgrounds and textures. You might necessary, exit from other applications to make then blur these textures. For value from the displacement map—0 is the example, using a parabola-shaped displacement maximum negative shift, is the maximum map, you can create an image that appears to be positive shift, and a gray value of produces no Specify the Shear the upper left or lower right, Out From Center curve by dragging the line in the box to form a displaces pixels toward or away from the center of curve for the distortion.
This blur- possible that eliminates defects. You can images, often for a 3D effect. Page Lighting Effects Filter For information on choosing a location. Shift-drag to keep the angle constant and change only the size of the ellipse. Page Using Type in the options bar.
For best vertical type tool. As a result, variety of shapes; for example, you can warp type the edges of the type blend into the background. The range of available type styles varies with hold down Shift and press the Right Arrow or Left each font. The type size determines how large the type appears in the image. The default unit of Select a unit of measurement for Type. Photoshop Elements provides several options for working with Asian type.
Asian fonts are often referred to as double-byte fonts or CJK fonts. The character itself is is a block of horizontal type laid out within a not stretched or squeezed as a result. When mojikumi is off, full-width spacing is applied to these characters. When mojikumi is on, half-width spacing is applied to these characters. You images for effective Web publishing can also use the layers in your original image to results.
You can select a modem speed in original and optimized images in the Save For Web the Preview pop-up menu. See Windows monitor. You can choose a continuous-tone images such as photographs. Page Selective is the the frequency of colors in the image.
Adobe photoshop elements 6 user guide free download.Adobe PHOTOSHOP 6.0 Manual
Jul 25, · I have Photoshop Elements Would like to re-install on new laptop but when I log into my account, can see the the item in My Products but can’t find a download option. Am I looking in the wrong spot. Tried customer service chat, they referred me here. Thanks! Sep 16, · Access-restricted-item true Addeddate Bookplateleaf Boxid IA Camera Canon 5D Donor alibris External-identifier urn:oclc:recordPages: Online Library Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 Manual Adobe® Photoshop® User Guide for Windows® and Macintosh. This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Adobe PHOTOSHOP User Manual Photoshop Elements 6 resources User.
[Adobe photoshop elements 6 user guide free download
Helping to learn editing techniques, Guided Edits take you through unique editing procedures to hone your skill-set, including how to create memes, how to add imagery within text characters, and how to produce sketch effects from your photographs. Rounding out the feature-set, a variety of exporting options are possible, ranging from in-app production of wall art, prints, and gifts to sharing your finished image compositions to social media. Begin Creating Easy-to-use and automated slideshow and photo collage creation is possible through the use of Adobe Sensei AI technology, which can intelligently combine your photos and videos into dynamic, shareable pieces.
An updated home screen also starts your editing session in a seamless manner, and lets you quickly see what is new since the last version, discover fun techniques to try, gain inspiration, and get help through guided edits and tutorials.
Organization Helping to quickly and easily view your myriad photos, which may be scattered in numerous folders, Photoshop Elements provides an overview of our images and automatically sorts by dates, subjects, people, and places. And, with the use of Sensei AI, your best photos can be highlighted, based on image quality, face detection, and subject recognition. Intelligent Editing Again making us of Adobe Sensei AI, automated photo editing is possible along with the ability to perform intelligent selections, open closed eyes, or perform other tricky image manipulations.
Step-by-step help is also available for learning and refining many creative techniques, and 53 guided edits can help with mastering unique processes, such a meme creator, which helps you overlay text and apply filters or borders to your images; a visual text creator, which places your images inside of letters; a partial sketch effect, which offers step-by-step instruction for achieving pencil, colored pencil, old paper, and old photo looks; and text and border embellishments, which help set-off your images for both print and social media.
Creativity and Sharing Automated photo and video collages and slideshows can be created specifically to highlight memories and events, such as birthdays or vacations. Creating collages has been simplified and a wide range of pre-designed templates are available.
There are also dedicated templates and guides for making your own memes, scrapbook pages, calendars, and cards to print or share directly to social media.
Additionally, for USA-based users, physical prints, wall art, mugs, phone cases, office supplies, and other products can be printed or created using the dedicated Print and Gift service within Photoshop Elements. This book assumes that you know how to perform basic activities on your computer like clicking and double-clicking your mouse buttons and dragging objects onscreen. To right-click means to press the right mouse button once, which calls up a menu of special features. To double-click means to press the left button twice, quickly, without moving the mouse between clicks.
Most selection buttons onscreen are pretty obvious, but you may not be familiar with radio buttons : To choose an option, click the little empty circle next to it. But if you have a one-button mouse, you can Control-click instead—that means to press the Control key on your keyboard and then press your mouse button once.
In the menu that appears, choose the Artistic section, and then go to Paint Daubs in the pop-out menu. Mac file paths are shown using the same arrows. Figure 1. Otherwise, all the different versions are specified. A word about these downloadable files: To make life easier for folks with slow Internet connections, the file sizes have been kept pretty small. At the website, you can also find articles, tips, and updates to this book.
If you find something you think is wrong, feel free to report it by using that same link. If you want to be certain that your own copy is up to the minute, check the Missing Manuals website for any changes. And thanks in advance for reporting any errors or suggesting corrections. Safari Books Online is an on-demand digital library that lets you easily search over 7, technology and creative reference books and videos to find the answers you need quickly. With a subscription, you can read any page and watch any video from our library online.
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Note For now, you have to be in the United States to use Photoshop. Why Photoshop Elements? What You Can Do with Elements 9. Combine photos into a panorama or montage. Repair and restore old and damaged photos. Add text to your images and turn them into things like greeting cards and flyers. Create digital artwork from scratch, even without a photo to work from.
Elements vs. The Key to Learning Elements. About This Book. Note This book periodically recommends other books, covering topics too specialized or tangential for a manual about Elements. A Note About Operating Systems. About the Outline. For Newcomers to Elements. The Very Basics. Elements has been around for quite a while now and, in each new version, Adobe has added lots of push-button-easy ways to correct and improve your photos. Elements not only lets you make your photos look great, but also helps you organize your photos and gives you some pretty neat projects in which to use them.
The program even comes loaded with lots of easy ways to share photos. The list of what Elements can do is pretty impressive. You can use it to:. Enhance photos by editing, cropping, and color-correcting them, including fixing exposure and color problems.
Add all kinds of special effects to images, like turning a garden-variety photo into a drawing, painting, or even a tile mosaic. Move someone from one photo to another, and even remove people your ex? Create slideshows to share with friends, regardless of whether they use Windows, a Mac, or even just a cellphone. Create and share incredible online albums and email-ready slideshows that will make your friends actually ask to see your vacation photos.
Store photos online so you can get to them from any computer. You can organize your photos online, and upload new images directly to your personalized Photoshop. You can also keep an online backup of your photos, and even sync albums so that when you add a new photo from another computer, it automatically gets sent to your home computer, too.
Create wonderful projects like collages and calendars that you can print or share with your friends digitally. Scrapbookers—get ready to be wowed. And Elements can do an amazing job of fixing problems in your photos, but only if you give it something to work with. Text on a path Artistic Text. In Elements 10 you can create text that runs around in a circle or follows the outline of a shape or an object in your photo.
Brush-on textures Controlling the Colors You See. The Smart Brush tools now let you add textures to areas in your photos. New crop overlays The Crop Tool. When you decide to trim down a photo, Elements 10 has a new overlay feature to help you decide where to crop it. You can choose a basic grid or one that helps you position your subjects according to the Rule of Thirds or the Golden Ratio.
New Guided Edits Guided Edit. Elements 10 gives you two new Guided Edits, where the program walks you through the steps for creating effects that might be difficult to figure out on your own. New Organizer searches Searching by Metadata. Elements has been able to search for and identify people in your photos for a while now, but Elements 10 can also search through your photos to find pets or objects.
Mobile app compatibility. As of this writing, these apps are only for iPad, but Adobe plans to make them available for Android tablets, too. Windows screen resolution fix. These have been fixed in Elements You could easily get confused about the differences between Elements and the full version of Adobe Photoshop. Because Elements is so much less expensive, and because many of its more advanced controls are tucked away, a lot of Photoshop aficionados tend to view Elements as some kind of toy version of their program.
Your inkjet printer also uses those ink colors to print, but it expects you to give it an RGB file, which is what Elements creates. The same holds true for a handful of other Elements tools.
Placing each element animations from a single document. For example, adding an animation animation. Mac OS a frame to deselect it. When Select Delete Animation from the Animation you paste frames into the same image, using this palette menu.
Choose a value from the pop-up menu. Files can be in any and in the Layers palette as layers, with each layer format that ImageReady supports. You can the Web or other online media. Because it discards data, JPEG compression format. By default, named settings are format saved in the Optimized Settings folder, inside the Presets folder in the Adobe Photoshop folder. JPEG is the standard format for compressing continuous-tone images such as photographs.
Click OK. The Optimized Options control on the Optimize palette tab. The level of optimization in Note: Manually optimizing an image does not turn gray areas of the mask decreases by a linear scale. Decreasing the number of colors in an image is a If you select multiple slices that use different color key factor in optimizing GIF and PNG-8 images. Page By default, the color table closest color remaining in the palette.
When you delete a color, the color table automati- cally changes to a Custom palette. In Photoshop, hexadecimal values for colors are displayed in the Info palette when you select Web Color Mode for one or both color readouts. The Photoshop you want to copy. The color you click becomes the and ImageReady Info palettes also display other foreground color.
Named Settings pop-up menu to apply When you drag an image over it, the droplet that setting. To display the Output Settings dialog box: Click Save.
Do one of the following Page JavaScript code so that rollovers will be fully necessary with table layouts in which slice bound- editable in Adobe GoLive. Code is reformatted in aries do not align, to prevent the table from the style used by GoLive and may create a larger breaking apart in some browsers. Thumbnails display in PostScript printer.
This feature is Adobe Photoshop supports the information particularly valuable to image creators who license standard developed by the Newspaper Association their work to others. Copying an image with an This includes saving merged data display on Windows systems.
Page CHAPTER 13 Saving and Exporting Images Creating contact sheets Creating picture packages By displaying a series of thumbnail previews on a With the Picture Package command, you can place single page, contact sheets let you easily preview multiple copies of a source image on a single page, and catalog groups of images. Photoshop provides a number of features to help Choose Clipping Path from the Paths you use images in other applications.
You can now manipulate the path or use the path to align Illustrator objects. For information on purchasing Adobe Press To print Caption text always when compensating for a poorly calibrated prints as 9-point Helvetica plain type. Setting the screens at different angles a PostScript imagesetter, for example should be ensures that the dots placed by the four screens set to the correct density limit, and your processor blend to look like continuous color and do not should be properly calibrated; Page 1.
Trap is the overlap Adobe Photoshop uses standard rules needed to ensure that a slight misalignment or for trapping: movement of the plates while printing does not All colors spread under black.
Duotones are used to increase the tonal range of a grayscale image. Although a grayscale Specify the type of image, the ink colors, the As you adjust the curve, values are If the ink is to be separated on a process color automatically entered in the percentage text boxes. To help you predict how colors will look when The Adobe Photoshop application includes printed, use a printed sample of the overprinted several sample sets of duotone, tritone, and inks to adjust your screen display.
Just remember quadtone curves. This step is not necessary separate page. Page Automating Tasks Actions form the basis for droplets, small applica- types of operations. This palette also lets Click an action name to select a single action. To add multiple paths, record To stop recording, click the Stop button, choose a Save Path command using the Paths palette after Stop Recording from the Actions palette menu, In Photoshop, without stopping, select Allow Continue.
You can insert a command Select the action for which you want to specify when recording an action or after it has been an output folder in the Actions palette. Playing an action executes the series of commands Select Do Not Enlarge to prevent images that you recorded in the active document. Photoshop should pause between carrying out each command in the action.
Rerecording an action or command lets you set When the highlighted line appears in the desired new values for it. Then choose To delete all actions in the Actions palette Photoshop : Duplicate from the Actions palette menu. Page Actions are automatically saved to the Actions palette menu. In folder. You can folder. ImageReady can only access actions that organize sets of actions for different types of reside in this folder.
Click Choose to locate and The Batch command lets you play an action on a select the folder. Using the. The droplet window conventions. Using either of these methods lets you start Adobe Photoshop and execute actions externally. See online Help converting to spot channel creating new Adobe Gamma utility copying deleting Page showing and hiding 82 optimization , bit depth anti-aliasing using actions about Adobe Illustrator files using Batch command converting images between EPS files using droplets bitmap images layer style option See gamut Multichannel mode rasterizing images from color information, storing number of channels clipping groups color management RGB mode about calibrating monitors setting in new images adjustment layers color shifts color profiles.
Page locking colors in composite channel Copy Frames command master palette for compositing Copy HTML Code command saving specifying a color range Copy Layer Style command selecting colors in specifying a mode Copy Preloads command shifting to Web-safe colors composition, of type Page dpi dots per inch 94 Duplicate Slices command Export Original command , drawing duplicating Export Transparent Image constraining shapes , channels wizard differences between Photoshop commands in actions exporting and ImageReady image maps duotones shapes images Page INDEX supporting paths fractional character widths converting to indexed-color images See also compression, Save For frame delay Web dialog box and names of create by mixing channels Free Transform command 64 individual formats definition of freeform pen tool File Info command , for storing selections Page hard-edged transparency options 71 image maps Help 2 replacing existing document 71 about hexadecimal color values reverting to previous 70 adding links to hidden tools horizontal scale of type, client-side adjusting about 57 converting layer-based to tool- hot spots for tool pointers 58 based viewing See online Help Invert command creating from snapshot 71 See also scanning Invert option creating new Include GoLive Code option displaying information 78 indenting paragraphs displaying size of 95 Indexed Color mode Japanese type.